There is likely a conflict with an RB 22 related package that was not uninstalled (probably dealing with a third party component).
Check your "Component | Install Package" list in Delphi to be sure all packages related to RB 22 are remove… -
Hi Jon,
Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using?
If this error does not occur with SinglePageOnly set to True, it is likely a threading conflict with your application. How are you accessing data for these repor… -
Hi Silvano,
We do not have any other reports of this notification when downloading RB 23. As a test, I performed a complete Defender scan of our installation files using the latest build of Windows 11 Pro Version 24H2 and nothing was fou… -
Hi Nedeljka,
If you have a valid Factur-X invoice that uses the XRechnung profile, ReportBuilder will generate a specified PDF A/3 file with this invoice attached. See the example in the Wiki article for how to accomplish this.
Hi Marko,
It appears you are trying to accomplish this in RAP. RAP does not support the complete Delphi object library so pass-thru function(s) will need to be used to decode the image data. See the main RAP demo for how to implement RA…Hi Dusten,
Thanks for the feedback. We will take a look at adding control over the Gmail scope for a later release.
Currently, you can manually alter the "SendScope" using the OnConnectionStart Gmail OAuth Scopes Comment by nicocizik January 27
Hi Marko,
You can use the TDBImage.OnGetPicture event to get the image data before it is assigned to the Picture property. Inside this event, you would need to retrieve the encoded image data, decode it, and assign it to the aPicture par…ReportBuilder and the PDF device do not natively support memo rotation. This is on our list of possible enhancements for a later release. Currently text rotation is supported for non-stretchable text (TLabel, etc.).Hi Dusten,
>>From here could they email within the strict environment?
>>What would happen when the keys start to expire?
Users would need to log-in again with the initial local applic…Hi Dusten,
As various REST OAuth2 services have matured, they have become more and more picky about what they allow. Initially, services such as Google and Microsoft allowed OAuth2 authentication from an embedded browser such as TWebBrow…Hi Dustin,
1. There is a patch available for RB 22.06 that may solve the "OAuth first" issue you are having. I sent it to you. Registered users with a valid software subscription can contact support@ to receive the patch.
2. …Another way to log out would be to implement the OnConnectionStart of the email plugin. From here you could clear the TOAuth2Authenticator and a new login will be required.Hi Dusten,
1. ReportBuilder stores the authentication information in the location defined by the IniStorageSettings. This can be a custom .ini file or the registry and can be accessed from the designer.
2. The ini stores the A…Hi Felix,
A RAF file that shows the issue could help, although a working report with sample data would be better. A smaller representation of your large report would make the process of finding the issue much easier.Hi Felix,
This is not a known issue.
Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using?
Are you able to recreate this with a smaller dataset? If so, please create a simple example using only RB and Delphi comp…Hi Robert,
By default (for new reports) the RBuilder.ini file is saved in the Local AppData directory which is not restricted. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\RBuilder
If you are using an older application that still saves to the syst…Hi Dag,
Great! Glad you got it solved.
If you have any other issue or this problem arises again, please contact us with a simple example and we'll continue researching what is happening.Hi Dag,
I'm still a bit unclear about how your report is designed. In your initial post, you mention that you have at least 2 subreports (one nested) in your detail band.
Which pipelines are these subreports connected to?
Hi Dag,
This is not a known issue with RB 22.
How are you linking your datasets? Delphi query linking (i.e. "where MyTable.Field = :Value"), can be slow to process due to the fact that it refreshes each time the record changes…Hi Gerd,
Thanks for updating!
The ppRegisterComponentDesigner routine has been moved to the ppComponentDesigner.pas file. Adding this to your uses clause should solve the issue.Hi Bob,
My guess is that this is a template issue. If you load your templates and print individually, do you still get the same behavior?
Also, since you are loading templates, there is no need to have three report components.…Hi Bob,
After some research, it appears the error you are getting usually stems from image handling scenarios. Do your subreports contain a large number of images? Are you manually processing images in code? Are there large images?
Hi Bob,
1. You may have a memory leak (or there may be one in RB) that needs to be addressed which is causing this error. I suggest turning on memory leak detection and re-testing before moving forward.
2. There are numerous w…Hi Heiko,
This is not a known issue with RB 22.06 and I am unable to recreate it with a simple example.
1. Where (in code) are you assigning the autosearch fields and ShiftRelativeTo properties?
2. How are you acces…Hi Steven,
It appears you have found a solution to your issue however if you would like us to take a look at the initial problem, please create a simple example using only RB and Delphi components (and sample data) and send it to support@…Hi Lawrence,
Take a look at the following article on how to modify RAP programs in code. The same concept could be used to loop though each RAP event and check values.
in Access RAP events code in Delphi as text Comment by nicocizik October 2024Hi Achim,
The Report.CancelDialog.AllowPrintCancel property will enable/disable the cancel button of the dialog. Use the Report.OnCancelDialogCreate event.Hi Lawrence,
This is working as designed. After further research, the error I was receiving in my test app was due to a type mismatch and was not directly related to the incorrect field name per se. We will consider adding a descriptive…Hi Lawrence,
Thanks for the feedback. Are you referring to a compiler error or runtime error? An error is given at runtime when the field name is incorrect however it is not very descriptive. We will look at providing a more useful runtim…Hi Goran,
Are you able to recreate a similar issue without TRichView/TScaleRichView? If so, please send the example in .zip format to and I'll take a look at what is happening.
Otherwise, I sugg…