I had a similar issue back in 2020.
Error: The font: Segoe UI Emoji does not support the necessary glyphs.
Was there ever a fix for this? I have another RTF that has embedded emojis from people's phone text messages, and it looks like all symbols when saved in PDF format.
This occurs when TppReport.PDFSettings.EmbedFontOptions.efAllFonts:=true
Works fine if I print to a printer, but not PDF using:
02CC19FE|ppPDFUtils.pas |ppPDFUtils |TppPDFUtils |GetGlyphIDs
02C93D15|ppPDFToUnicode.pas|ppPDFToUnicode|TppPDFToUnicode |ProcessCMapStream
02C9403C|ppPDFToUnicode.pas|ppPDFToUnicode|TppPDFToUnicode |ProcessCMapStream
02C94372|ppPDFToUnicode.pas|ppPDFToUnicode|TppPDFToUnicode |WriteToUnicodeCMap
02C94266|ppPDFToUnicode.pas|ppPDFToUnicode|TppPDFToUnicode |SaveToUnicode
02CA02EC|ppPDFFont.pas |ppPDFFont |TppPDFFont |SaveFont
02D2F0E4|ppPDFDevice.pas |ppPDFDevice |TppPDFDevice |EndJob
Also, I'm using RB 22.05 in Delphi 12.1
I found another one - CAMBRIA MATH
if not(Result) then
Result := (aFontName = 'Microsoft JhengHei') or
(aFontName = 'Microsoft JhengHei Light') or
(aFontName = 'Microsoft JhengHei Bold') or… -
We found that the Segoe UI EMoji one causes this.
Thanks. Sorry, I didn't get an email that you had replied and just now followed up. I will let you know what we find.