Thank you very much. I have looked at that example, My problem are to calculate the maximum font size and then center the label. Or whatever, that's why I wanted to use a label because it updates height and width when increasing the font size. TppD…
That solved the problem wirh lpDrawText but it doesn't solve the problem with a ppLabel.
I'm trying to write a watermark text as big as possible. And centered on the page -
UPDAE: If using a TppDrawText I get en "invalid pointer operation" exception when closing the main form
procedure TForm30.ppReport1EndPage(Sender: TObject);
lDrawText: TppDrawText;
lPage: TppPage;
… -
Hi Nico
That worked very well. Thank You for that.
Is it possible to have 3 copies of the first report and 2 copies of the second report in the same PDF. -