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Problema com IniStorageName

edited May 2008 in General
Ola a todos,

Estou tendo problemas com a propriedade IniStorageName. Tenho um arquivo
RBuilder.ini personalizado, gravado na pasta do arquivo .exe, e gostaria
de carregá-lo em runtime. Isso é possível?

Estou usando o código abaixo:

procedure Form1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ppDesigner1.IniStorageName := 'c:\myapp\rbuilder.ini';

Entretanto, as configurações de 'c:\myapp\rbuilder.ini' não são
carregadas para o Designer. Como posso fazer isso?

Usando: Delphi 7, RB 7.04



  • edited May 2008

    Can you post the question using English. If not then perhaps someone that
    knows Portuguese can try to help you.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2008
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) escreveu:
    Hi All,

    Sorry for any inconvenience, my English is a bit poor, but I'll try to
    explain my problem.

    I'm having problems with IniStorageName property when setting it at
    runtime. I have a custom version of RBuilder.ini, that is saved on same
    app folder, and I need to load the .ini configuration at runtime,
    depending on user that connect to my app. Is it possible?

    I'm using the following code:

    procedure Form1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    ppDesigner1.IniStorageName := 'c:\myapp\rbuilder.ini';

    But, with this code above, the 'c:\myapp\rbuilder.ini' configuration
    aren't load (that is, does not change) the Designer.
    By the way: the name of the 'rbuilder.ini' can change depending on the
    user that connect to my app. Is it clear?
    How can I do this?

    Using: Delphi 7, RB 7.04

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