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10.09 breaks SQL cast function

edited July 2008 in General

I've got a report that uses a SQL cast call which works in 10.08 but fails
in 10.09.

The report is a monthly summary report. During data retrieval, I extract
out the month and year from the transaction date and create a Char field
from that information to use as the group break condition. The Expression
used to create this Char field is

cast( Extract(Month from invoice.Transdate) as char(2))
+ '/'
+ cast( Extract(Year from invoice.Transdate) as char(4))

In 10.08, the Magic SQL generated is as follows and works as expected:

SELECT invoice.TransDate,
cast( Extract(Month from invoice.Transdate) as char(2)) + '/' +
cast( Extract(Year from invoice.Transdate) as char(4))
invitem.Quantity*invitem.Price invitem_Quantity_invitem
FROM invoice invoice
INNER JOIN invitem invitem ON
(invitem.Number = invoice.Number)
ORDER BY invoice.TransDate

In 10.09, the Magic SQL generated is as follows but is an invalid SQL query
that won't run:

SELECT invoice.TransDate,
cast( Extract(Month from invoice.Transdate) as char(2)) + '/' +
cast( Extract(Year from invoice.Transdate) cast_Extract_Month_from_i,
invitem.Quantity*invitem.Price invitem_Quantity_invitem
FROM invoice invoice
INNER JOIN invitem invitem ON
(invitem.Number = invoice.Number)
ORDER BY invoice.TransDate

Let me know if you need anything else to reproduce this and get it


Terry Swiers
Millennium Software, LLC

Atrex Inventory Control/POS -
Big business features without spending big business bucks!

Atrex Electronic Support Options:
Atrex Knowledgebase: http://www.atrex.com/atrexkb.asp
Email: mailto:support@atrex.com


  • edited July 2008

    I emailed you a patch. Registered users can email
    support@digital-metaphors.com to request the patch.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2008

    That did the trick.

    And thank you so much for the quick turnaround. It is greatly appreciated.


    Terry Swiers
    Millennium Software, LLC

    Atrex Inventory Control/POS -
    Big business features without spending big business bucks!

    Atrex Electronic Support Options:
    Atrex Knowledgebase: http://www.atrex.com/atrexkb.asp
    Email: mailto:support@atrex.com
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