Converting DBCalc output
?Hello Everyone, im connecting to a database and im using a DBCalc to
get the average of a column. I want to also convert this into hrs/mins
I have two other variables that are doing this but it won't let me use
the Value:= command when coding for a DBCalc or maybe im just doing it
Here is my code for the variables
hours: Integer;
mins: Integer;
hours_label : String;
mins_label: String;
mins_prefix: String;
hours := RV_CALL['Call_Downtime'] div 60;
mins := RV_CALL['Call_Downtime'] mod 60;
if hours = 1 then hours_label := ' hr '
else hours_label := ' hrs ';
if mins = 1 then mins_label := ' min'
else mins_label := ' mins';
if mins < 10 then mins_prefix := ''
else mins_prefix := '' ;
if mins < 0 then
mins := -mins;
Value := IntToStr(hours) + hours_label + mins_prefix + IntToStr(mins)
+ mins_label;
--- posted by geoForum on
get the average of a column. I want to also convert this into hrs/mins
I have two other variables that are doing this but it won't let me use
the Value:= command when coding for a DBCalc or maybe im just doing it

Here is my code for the variables
hours: Integer;
mins: Integer;
hours_label : String;
mins_label: String;
mins_prefix: String;
hours := RV_CALL['Call_Downtime'] div 60;
mins := RV_CALL['Call_Downtime'] mod 60;
if hours = 1 then hours_label := ' hr '
else hours_label := ' hrs ';
if mins = 1 then mins_label := ' min'
else mins_label := ' mins';
if mins < 10 then mins_prefix := ''
else mins_prefix := '' ;
if mins < 0 then
mins := -mins;
Value := IntToStr(hours) + hours_label + mins_prefix + IntToStr(mins)
+ mins_label;
--- posted by geoForum on
This discussion has been closed.
Please configure your newreader to show your real name when posting, rather
than 'asmith'
Please always specify Delphi version, RB version, Windows version, data
access environment.
The sampl code does not show from which event-handler the code is being
executed. Provide more details.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Not sure on the delphi version?
Report Builder Version 9.03
Windows XP
Oracle Database
I am using the OnCalc event for a DBCalc operator.
I actually got the code to work using the above syntax but taking out
Value :=
and putting ShowMessage,
My question now is, how do I make the information print to the report
view rather than to a ShowMessage box, im pretty new to Delphi and just
shooting from the hip to complete these reports. Any help is
--- posted by geoForum on
than 'asmith'
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Article: End-User Tech Support
Please understand that Digital Metaphors can only provide tech support to
the Delphi developers that purchase ReportBuilder. Digital Metaphors
receives no distribution royalties from Delphi developers that embed
end-user reporting solutions in their applications. It is the responsibility
of the software publishers that sold you the product to provide you with
tech support.
There is an end-user tutorial called Learning ReportBuilder that can be
downloaded from our web site for free. See the following article for more
Article: Learning ReportBuilder
Learning ReportBuilder is a complete learning system designed to teach end
users how to build a range of reports. This system includes a 125-page PDF
file, a stand-alone application complete with a database, and a help file.
The PDF file is comprised of a series of tutorials that step end users
through the process of building reports as simple as a table listing and as
complex as crosstabs. The tutorials also introduce conceptual aspects of
report building along the way. The application is used in conjunction with
the tutorials so that the learning experience is interactive. The end user
just prints out the PDF file, runs the application, and learns
ReportBuilder. The help file is accessible from the application, so all
three tools work together to provide a seamless learning environment.
Learning ReportBuilder installs into C:\Program Files\LearnReportBuilder.
When the system has successfully installed, a complete set of instructions
appears in the form of a 'ReadMe' doc, so the end user knows just what to do
upon installation.
- Download Learning ReportBuilder
Tech Support
Digital Metaphors
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
find someplace to go for help because I can't find help anywhere else.
How much would it be for a forum support contract?
--- posted by geoForum on
do not continue to ignore this request. It is not optional.
At this time, we only support the Delphi developers that purchase a license
to ReportBuilder. All of our tech support assumes customers are programmers
that know the Delphi environment. ReportBuilder is written in Delphi and
leverages the Delphi VCL class library.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
its going to apply right now or not but I did change it.
How much is a ReportBuilder License only, I don't need the software.
--- posted by geoForum on