Balance brought from Previous Page
I want to show details of the orders placed by each customer.
OrderNum Amout Balance
Ord1 10 10
Ord2 23 33
: : :
: :
= say 60)
Ordn 55 105
OrderNum Amout Balance
Balance Brought from Previous Page 105
Ordn+1 12 117
Ordn+2 3 120
: : :
: : :
How I can Display Balance "Brought Brought from Prev.Page" Record.
Please Guide me.
Satisfactory and Reliable Solutions Comes here
--- posted by geoForum on
OrderNum Amout Balance
Ord1 10 10
Ord2 23 33
: : :
: :

Ordn 55 105
OrderNum Amout Balance
Balance Brought from Previous Page 105
Ordn+1 12 117
Ordn+2 3 120
: : :
: : :
How I can Display Balance "Brought Brought from Prev.Page" Record.
Please Guide me.
Satisfactory and Reliable Solutions Comes here
--- posted by geoForum on
This discussion has been closed.
Which component are you using to calculate the Balance value? If for
instance you were to use a TppDBCalc component set to caluculate the sum of
the Amount field, it would in fact keep a running total across all pages.
If you would like to actually show the previous page's total at the top of
the next page, you could calculate the Balance value using TppVariables,
then perhaps display the variable's value in the header band of each page
after page one.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nice to See your Response.
I tried to Use both the Components TppVariable, TppDBCalc.
I already have TppDBCalc(say DBCalc1) for my Balance column.
So I used one more variable in Header Band of each page after page one
& set ResetType == veGroupEnd,
CalcType == eTraversal,
Calc Component == DBCalc1.
This may not seems to be sufficient as My Report is not satisfactory.
My "Balance brought from Prev Page" Record is having this value\total
correct at Alternate pages only and not on each page
At every wrong page it is showing sum of n-1 records (i.e. value 60 in
previous referenced example. Hope you will understand it well.)
Some where I am missing some thing. What it can be ?
Please guide me to achieve my goal. I near to it but seems some silly
mistake some where.
Million Thanks.
Satisfactory and Reliable Solutions Comes here
--- posted by geoForum on
Take a look at the following example on how this should be done.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thanks for all concern.
Your example helped me a lot but I am still facing some problem
I did the same thing but I have added my varible in Group Header. So
there was a problem. Then I added Header To my Report and it worked well
for first report.
But for successive reports it show First line as summation and not the
last record of first page
Please look into this, if you at all can help me to trace out my problem.
Also Can you find out any reason, How any variable gets affected like
wise if you add\remove Header band.
Thanking you.
Satisfactory and Reliable Solutions Comes here
--- posted by geoForum on
I'm not clear about what you are trying to accomplish. If you are trying to
keep a running total for each page, you should use the page header and page
footer bands. If you are trying to keep totals for groups, you can use the
Group Header and Group Footer bands and DBCalc components.
Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using? Are you able to
recreate the behavior you describe in a simple example I could run on my
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I am here to inform you that, with all your valuable help adn
suggestions I am able to achieve what was desired.
Million Thanks for support and concern !!!
Satisfactory and Reliable Solutions Comes here
--- posted by geoForum on