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generate a dynamic report

edited August 2008 in General

I've to generate a Report that is a letter to a person.
It consists to 90% of continuous text pieces with several headlines. And
the 10% are the addressfields and some embedded tables.
Every piece of text has its own condition for printing or not.

I looked at your DynamicReportCreationProj.dpr, the dm008*.pas examples
(and "Learn ReportBuilder", but no dynamic reports )
I think its manageable with dynamicly generated
- TppLabel for the headlines
- TppMemo for the continuous text
The text pieces I'll read from database tables, and they should contain
variables I can resolve through dataset-fields or programm-code.
I'll give the user a TForm where he can choose the actually necessary text

Are there any examples that give me more advices than the mentioned above.

For the Tables it would be nice to use report templates, that are
accessible for the user to modify them in a defined range.
I think there is a end-user-design tool.

Last question:
The text pieces should be full justified.
With TppMemo its possible by TextAlignment = taFullJustified.
But TppRichText doesn't have such a property. For now I think I can use
TppMemo because they told me, bold-text and so on isn't necessary, but I
know a new solution generates new wishes.



  • edited August 2008
    Hi Norbert,

    1. It is possible to create a RB report completely in code. Take a look at
    the Code Based thread located in the Tech-Tips newsgroup thread for some
    handy articles on creating various report components dynamically in code.

    2. The End-User solution sounds like the best way to approach your
    application. Take a look at the end-user demos located in the
    \RBuilder\Demos\3. End User\... directory for examples of how to create and
    use the End-User solution with RB.

    3. The built-in RichEdit does not currently support full text
    justification. This is a feature we are strongly considering adding for the
    next major release of ReportBuilder. Currently you would need to enhance
    the rich text capabilities using one of the following options described in
    the article below.

    Article: ReportBuilder's RichText architecture

    The RichText in ReportBuilder is a wrapper around Delphi's TRichEdit which
    in turn relies on Windows. There are two versions of Windows richedit -
    RichEd32.dll is the older one and RichEd20.dll is a newer one (RichEd32 is
    being phased out). Delphi by default relies on RichEd32 - the older version.
    To use some of the more advanced features of Windows RichEdit, see the topic
    on InfoPower RichEdit Support below.

    In general Windows RichEdit supports the type of formatting that you can do
    using WordPad.

    InfoPower RichEdit Support
    InfoPower from Woll2Woll Software is a popular database add-on product for
    Delphi. InfoPower's TwwRichEdit components support the Windows RichEdit2
    format. This format allows the rich text data to contain embedded bitmaps
    and OLE objects. For more information please see http:\\www.Woll2Woll.com.

    ReportBuilder includes a component that enables the TppRichText and
    TppDBRichText controls in ReportBuilder to use the formatting capabilities
    of InfoPower's TwwRichEdit when rendering RTF data. The ppWWRichEd.pas unit
    located in the ..\RBuilder\InfoPower directory defines a TwwDBRichEdit
    descendant and then registers the class with ReportBuilder. This enables the
    TppRichText and TppDBRichText controls in ReportBuilder to use the
    formatting capabilities of TwwDBRichEidt when rendering data.

    WPTools Support
    WPTools is a collection of components used to edit and print formatted text.
    With its own RTF engine, WPTools offers numerous features not supported by
    the standard Windows RichEd20.dll. This control lets you use tables,
    paragraph frames, headers and footers etc. Using the optional ReportBuilder
    support units for WPTools 2.x, you can print the enhanced WPTools features
    (justified text, tables, graphics...) within your ReportBuilder reports. For
    more information please see http:\\www.wptools.de.

    TRichView is a suite of native Delphi components for displaying, editing,
    and printing hypertext documents. Documents can contain tables, pictures,
    and images. TRichView is available from www.trichview.com. There is a
    wrapper for available for using TRichView inside ReportBuilder, see
    http://www.digital-metaphors.com/Subpages/Downloads/CompanionRCL.html or


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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