Greetings, I have an app that allows emailing of various reports. It works fine when office 2003 (and earlier) is installed, but doesn't seem to work with Office 2007.
This is not a known issue. Which email plugin are you using to access Outlook? Are you able to get the same behavior when running the email demo located in the \RBuilder\Demos\1. Reports\... directory (dm0110.pas). We have used and tested Office 2007 (Outlook 2007) since its release on our machines and have not seen any behavior like this. Below are a couple things to try...
1. Try shutting Outlook down before sending an email. 2. Try sending an email from a different machine. 3. Implement the OnEmailError event and see if the MAPI client is giving an error message.
If no file is defined in the Report.EmailSettings.FileName, the Windows API function GetTempPath is called to assign a path. The name of the file is set to the Report.PrinterSetup.DocumentName property. Below is how the GetTempPath function works according to the API docs...
The GetTempPath function checks for the existence of environment variables in the following order and uses the first path found:
1. The path specified by the TMP environment variable. 2. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable. 3. The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable. 4. The Windows directory.
Here is what I've done. - I've created an even simpler app with 2 buttons, one to preview the report, and one to send an email using Raize Components (TRzSendMessage component). - The report uses a simple text file as data for the report. - Works perfectly on my PC: Win XP, D6, RB10.09, Office 2003. - I sent this app to a business partner of mine that uses Office 2007. Worked perfectly - brought up the email (preview) before sending. - This same simple app is still not working on the Terminal Server. - I have wired up the event for showing email errors - none are displayed. - I have even hard-coded directory/file name for the PDF being created with still no affect.
Any ideas where I might start looking? It's kind of pointing to the Terminal Server but I and my biz partner (he's the network support guru - very good) have idea where to begin looking. Other than the OnEmailError event, is there any other kind of logging we can take a look at? Could it be that I'm using an older Indy?
Thanks for all your help (this is still quite critical for my app)!
Here is the entire unit (very small):
unit MainFrm;
{$I ppIfDef.pas}
{----------------------------------------------------} {To enable the Indy section of this example you must first define which version of Indy you currently have installed.}
{Remove "x" if you are using Indy 10.} {x$DEFINE Indy10}
{Remove "x" if you are using Indy 9.} {x$DEFINE Indy9}
{Remove "x" if you are using Indy 8 or earlier.} {$DEFINE Indy8}
procedure TfrmMain.btnPreviewClick(Sender: TObject); var s: string; begin TppEmail(ppReport1.Email).SMTP.OnEmailError := EmailErrorEvent;
s := 'd:\ftp'; ppReport1.EMailSettings.FileName := s + '\ATestReport.pdf'; ppReport1.TextFileName := s + '\ATestReport.pdf'; ShowMessage(ppReport1.EMailSettings.FileName);
This is a difficult one. Below are a couple suggestions.
1. Are you trying to send these emails using Outlook 2007 or Indy? If you are using Outlook, then you will be using the MAPI plugin, not the Indy plugin.
2. Try creating a simple example that exports the report to PDF and see if you are able to at least get this far.
3. Check to be sure your virus software or firewall is not blocking the application or any specific email ports. Try running the email example in the Demos directory using the Indy plugin to see if the available ports are opened.
Just thought I would follow up on this. I never did get RB's built-in email to work. I used the Indy demo that comes with Delphi 6 and it worked fine so I'm in the process of implementing the structure of creating a PDF with RB and sending with Indy. Only bummer is the email not being logged as sent in MS Outlook.
This is not a known issue. Which email plugin are you using to access
Outlook? Are you able to get the same behavior when running the email demo
located in the \RBuilder\Demos\1. Reports\... directory (dm0110.pas). We
have used and tested Office 2007 (Outlook 2007) since its release on our
machines and have not seen any behavior like this. Below are a couple
things to try...
1. Try shutting Outlook down before sending an email.
2. Try sending an email from a different machine.
3. Implement the OnEmailError event and see if the MAPI client is giving an
error message.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I will take a look and get back to you.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
the temp .pdf file that gets attached to the email?
If no file is defined in the Report.EmailSettings.FileName, the Windows API
function GetTempPath is called to assign a path. The name of the file is
set to the Report.PrinterSetup.DocumentName property. Below is how the
GetTempPath function works according to the API docs...
The GetTempPath function checks for the existence of environment variables
in the following order and uses the first path found:
1. The path specified by the TMP environment variable.
2. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable.
3. The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
4. The Windows directory.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
my app that I need to get resolved.
I'll keep digging.
Here is what I've done.
- I've created an even simpler app with 2 buttons, one to preview the
report, and one to send an email using Raize Components (TRzSendMessage
- The report uses a simple text file as data for the report.
- Works perfectly on my PC: Win XP, D6, RB10.09, Office 2003.
- I sent this app to a business partner of mine that uses Office 2007.
Worked perfectly - brought up the email (preview) before sending.
- This same simple app is still not working on the Terminal Server.
- I have wired up the event for showing email errors - none are displayed.
- I have even hard-coded directory/file name for the PDF being created with
still no affect.
Any ideas where I might start looking? It's kind of pointing to the
Terminal Server but I and my biz partner (he's the network support guru -
very good) have idea where to begin looking.
Other than the OnEmailError event, is there any other kind of logging we can
take a look at?
Could it be that I'm using an older Indy?
Thanks for all your help (this is still quite critical for my app)!
Here is the entire unit (very small):
unit MainFrm;
{$I ppIfDef.pas}
{To enable the Indy section of this example you must
first define which version of Indy you currently
have installed.}
{Remove "x" if you are using Indy 10.}
{x$DEFINE Indy10}
{Remove "x" if you are using Indy 9.}
{x$DEFINE Indy9}
{Remove "x" if you are using Indy 8 or earlier.}
{$DEFINE Indy8}
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, ppProd, ppClass, ppReport, ppComm, ppRelatv, ppDB, ppTxPipe,
ppEMail, ppSMTPCustom, ppSMTPMAPI //Include MAPI support.
{$IFDEF Indy10} //Include Indy support.
{$DEFINE IndyEnabled}
{$IFDEF Indy9}
{$DEFINE IndyEnabled}
{$IFDEF Indy8}
,ppSMTPIndy, ppCtrls, ppPrnabl, ppBands, ppCache, StdCtrls, rdEnvVars,
{$DEFINE IndyEnabled}
TfrmMain = class(TForm)
ppTextPipeline1: TppTextPipeline;
ppReport1: TppReport;
btnPreview: TButton;
ppHeaderBand1: TppHeaderBand;
ppDetailBand1: TppDetailBand;
ppFooterBand1: TppFooterBand;
ppTextPipeline1ppField1: TppField;
ppTextPipeline1ppField2: TppField;
ppTextPipeline1ppField3: TppField;
ppTextPipeline1ppField4: TppField;
ppLabel1: TppLabel;
ppDBText1: TppDBText;
ppLabel2: TppLabel;
ppDBText2: TppDBText;
ppLabel3: TppLabel;
ppDBText3: TppDBText;
ppLabel4: TppLabel;
ppDBText4: TppDBText;
rdEnvVars1: TrdEnvVars;
btnEmail: TButton;
rzEmail: TRzSendMessage;
procedure btnPreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure btnEmailClick(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
procedure EMailErrorEvent(Sender: TObject; aErrorText: String);
{ Public declarations }
frmMain: TfrmMain;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TfrmMain.btnPreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
s: string;
TppEmail(ppReport1.Email).SMTP.OnEmailError := EmailErrorEvent;
s := 'd:\ftp';
ppReport1.EMailSettings.FileName := s + '\ATestReport.pdf';
ppReport1.TextFileName := s + '\ATestReport.pdf';
//Register MAPI plugin...
ppReport1.EmailSettings.ShowEmailDialog := False;
ppReport1.EmailSettings.PreviewInEmailClient := True;
ppReport1.EmailSettings.Enabled := True;
procedure TfrmMain.EMailErrorEvent(Sender: TObject; aErrorText: String);
procedure TfrmMain.btnEmailClick(Sender: TObject);
// rzEmail.Attachments.Add(ppReport1.EMailSettings.FileName);
ShowMessage('Email complete');
This is a difficult one. Below are a couple suggestions.
1. Are you trying to send these emails using Outlook 2007 or Indy? If you
are using Outlook, then you will be using the MAPI plugin, not the Indy
2. Try creating a simple example that exports the report to PDF and see if
you are able to at least get this far.
3. Check to be sure your virus software or firewall is not blocking the
application or any specific email ports. Try running the email example in
the Demos directory using the Indy plugin to see if the available ports are
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Just thought I would follow up on this.
I never did get RB's built-in email to work. I used the Indy demo that
comes with Delphi 6 and it worked fine so I'm in the process of implementing
the structure of creating a PDF with RB and sending with Indy. Only bummer
is the email not being logged as sent in MS Outlook.
Take care and thanks for the help.
RB's built-in email includes plug-ins for MAPI, Indy, and Synapse.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors