How do I make Master/Detail subreports come out right?
I've got a report in ReportBuilder that's supposed to report on two objects.
I didn't create this report, and I can't ask the person who did about how it
works. Before running the report, we have some code that goes through, finds
all the properties on the objects, and loads them into a memory dataset that
looks like this:
OBJECT_ID: TStringField
PROP_NAME: TStringField
PROP_VALUE: TStringField
The report engine then creates a line on the report for each property in
this dataset. This is implemented in a sub-report, whose parent only
contains an OBJECT_ID, which is a human-readable name.
Everything was going great until we had to display a "comment" of arbitrary
size in the report. I made a second sub-report with a TMemoField so it could
hold the text, and set the report up in the report designer.
What I expect when I run the report is something that looks like this:
Object 1 properties
Object 1 comment
Object 2 properties
Object 2 comment
I've managed to get just about everything but that. I used the
MasterDataPipeline and MasterFieldLinks properties of the sub-report's
pipelines to try to link the OBJECT_IDs of the sub-reports to the OBJECT_ID
of the header, and that's the closest I've managed to come, but now what I
see is:
Object 1 properties
Object 1 comment
Object 2 comment
The "Object 2 properties" section is nowhere to be seen, even though I've
manually verified that the data is making it into the dataset correctly.
This is driving me nuts. Any ReportBuilder gurus out there know what's going
on and now to fix it?
I didn't create this report, and I can't ask the person who did about how it
works. Before running the report, we have some code that goes through, finds
all the properties on the objects, and loads them into a memory dataset that
looks like this:
OBJECT_ID: TStringField
PROP_NAME: TStringField
PROP_VALUE: TStringField
The report engine then creates a line on the report for each property in
this dataset. This is implemented in a sub-report, whose parent only
contains an OBJECT_ID, which is a human-readable name.
Everything was going great until we had to display a "comment" of arbitrary
size in the report. I made a second sub-report with a TMemoField so it could
hold the text, and set the report up in the report designer.
What I expect when I run the report is something that looks like this:
Object 1 properties
Object 1 comment
Object 2 properties
Object 2 comment
I've managed to get just about everything but that. I used the
MasterDataPipeline and MasterFieldLinks properties of the sub-report's
pipelines to try to link the OBJECT_IDs of the sub-reports to the OBJECT_ID
of the header, and that's the closest I've managed to come, but now what I
see is:
Object 1 properties
Object 1 comment
Object 2 comment
The "Object 2 properties" section is nowhere to be seen, even though I've
manually verified that the data is making it into the dataset correctly.
This is driving me nuts. Any ReportBuilder gurus out there know what's going
on and now to fix it?
This discussion has been closed.
Where is the "comment" information coming from? The same dataset as the
object properties? If so, you will not want to create a separate subreport
just for the comment, the comment will need to go into the original first
subreport (perhaps in the Summary band). Then you will have something that
looks like the following...
Object X
PropName PropValue
PropName PropValue
PropName PropValue
Object Y
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
be sure that the properties for the MasterDataPipelne are assigned at run
time. I find that if I close a DFM and reopen it, it is always lost. (DM
hasn't been able to reproduce it). I have code in my app that readds it each
time, e.g.:
plDBDetailData.MasterDataPipeline := plMasterData;
what type of pipelines are you using? DB, JIT, other?
Ed Dressel
Team DM
you are linking the datasets at all? there should be no links. AFAICR the
master ids (and detail ids) need to be in assending order, unless the link
is explicity set to decending.
Ed Dressel
Team DM
Ok, I have a better idea of what is happening. If you are using Child style
subreports, you need to be sure the "Comments" subreport is set to
ShiftRelativeTo the "Object" subreport. Otherwise they could overlap
Also, I assume each detail dataset (Objects and Comments) are linked to the
same master field and are ordered by that field.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors