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Lst page Landscape?

edited September 2013 in General
Hi Guys,

The last page in my report, Summary section, has a TeeChart Graph in
it. I would like to make the page Landscape to maximise the size of
the graph.

Can I do that just for the last page?

If yes, how please? I can't find any specific property for it.

Regards & TIA,



  • edited September 2013
    Hi Ian,

    The easiest/best way to do this would be to separate your report into
    two Section style subreports.

    1. Create a new empty report with a detail band only.

    2. Place two Section style subreports inside the detail band.

    3. Load your current report into the first Section subreport.

    4. Recreate the summary of your current report inside the second Section
    subreport and set its orientation to Landscape.

    See demos 51 and 52 for examples of how this can be done.

  • edited September 2013
    HI Nico,

    Again, thank you for your reply.

    I did try adding a sub-report and puting the TeeChart in there but I
    couldn't 'see' the TeeChart or its properties, i.e. Title, Series, etc,
    from the Delphi IDE to manipulate them.

    If the Chart is in the primary report I can do this (ReportChart being
    the name of the Chart in the report)...
    ReportChart.Chart.Title.Text.Add('Attenuation & SINAD');
    ReportChart.Chart.SubFoot.Text.Add('Printed on : ' +
    DateToStr(Now) + ' at ' + TimeToStr(Now));
    ReportChart.Chart.PrintResolution := -50;
    ReportChart.Chart.PrintProportional := false;
    ReportChart.Chart.PrintMargins := Rect(5, 5, 5, 5);

    However if the Chart is in a Sub Report I can't find/see it to do this
    type of thing.

    I could of course be looking 'in the wrong direction'..


  • edited September 2013
    Hi Nico,

    It occured to me that it would be handy to be able to go, in the
    context of my report..

    MainChart.Chart := MainForm.Chart;

    and all the properties, data, characteristics of the chart in the
    Mainform would be copied into the equivalent in the Report chart...

    Just a thought.


  • edited September 2013
    Hi Ian,

    Are you writing this code in RAP? If so, you need to tab (bottom tabs)
    over to the subreport to access the components added to it.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2013
    Hi Nico,

    No, it is in the Delphi 'form'.

    I was looking in the 'wrong direction' and found it, however I ended
    up using the 'insert picture' you suggested. Much better, only one
    graph to maintain, and the end user can 'customise the graph somewhat
    before runningthe report.

    Happy Customer.

    Thank you.


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