Is there a way of dynamically adding and deleting values from the Joined
Fields in the MasterFieldLinks property? I created 2 DBPipelines and had
one value at the Joined fields for the 1st Pipeline and two values for the
2nd Pipeline both using the same datasource, and I could not get it to work.
Is there a way of disabling one of them dynamically? Thanks!
R. Manalo
Software Engineer
Fields in the MasterFieldLinks property? I created 2 DBPipelines and had
one value at the Joined fields for the 1st Pipeline and two values for the
2nd Pipeline both using the same datasource, and I could not get it to work.
Is there a way of disabling one of them dynamically? Thanks!
R. Manalo
Software Engineer
This discussion has been closed.
Tech Tip: Define Master/Detail DataPipeline Links in Code
Defining a Master/Detail relationship for a DataPipeline
requires that the detail pipeline have the
following properties defined:
1. MasterDataPipeline
2. MasterFieldLinks
At Delphi design-time you can use the object inspector
and the DataPipeline's FieldLinks editor to define
the master/detail relationship.
The following example illustrates how to define the
master/detail relationship dynamically at run-time.
lFieldLink: TppMasterFieldLink;
{define the master/detail pipeline relationship}
plDetail.MasterDataPipeline := plMaster;
{create a new field link }
lFieldLink := TppMasterFieldLink.Create(nil);
lFieldLink.Parent := plDetail;
{assign the detail field name}
lFieldLink.DetailFieldName := 'CustNo';
{assign the master field name}
lFieldLink.MasterFieldName := 'CustNo';
Note: The DataPipeline linking requires the records in the detail dataset to
be ordered by the linking fields. In the above example, the detail data must
be ordered by CustNo.
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Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors