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RB Help Integration

edited May 2014 in General
I seem to have always had this problem, but I thought it was due to
something I had fouled up along the way. The problem is that I've never
been able to get ReportBuilder to provide any kind of help in the report
designer. Context-sensitive help seems to work fine in the Delphi IDE,
but absolutely nothing happens when I press the F1 key or try to get
help from the menu, while I'm working in the designer.

I have been setting up a new development computer, and the first things
I did were to install Delphi (XE5), followed by ReportBuilder and a
couple other component libraries. I have used ONLY the default folders
that have been offered during the installation processes. So, now I'm
wondering if maybe it actually is a problem in ReportBuilder, instead of
my goof.

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


  • edited May 2014
    Hi Howard,

    I just tested the F1 help integration with my installation of RB 15.04
    and Delphi XE5 and everything is working as expected.

    Is the RB help installed into the XE5 help system? For instance, if you
    open the Delphi help and select the "Contents" tab, do you see the
    ReportBuilder Reference section?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2014
    On 5/8/2014 10:34 AM, Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Hi, Nico,

    Yes, once DXE5 help is open ReportBuilder Reference appears in the
    contents and works as expected. As I mentioned, F1 help for RB
    components, methods, properties, etc., works just fine in the Delphi
    IDE. But, when I'm working in the RB designer, neither the F1 key nor
    the Help menu option do anything at all. No error messages, just
    nothing. I even tried minimizing all other open windows thinking that
    maybe it was hidden, but that was not the case.

    My new development computer is running Windows 8.1. Have you tested with
    that OS, by any chance?

  • edited May 2014
    Hi Howard,

    Sorry for the delay.

    Is this occurring at Delphi design-time or runtime? If you follow the
    steps below, do you still get no response from F1?

    1. Create a new Delphi app.
    2. Place a report on the form.
    3. Double click the report to open the designer.
    4. Place a TppLabel on the report.
    5. Press F1.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2014
    Hi, Nico,

    Sorry for my delay, as well.

    The problem occurs at design-time. I'm currently not using RB help in
    the application itself, so I don't know if that would be an additional

    In response to your questions, I:

    -Open Delphi
    -Start a new VCL Forms Application
    -Drop a TppReport on the form
    -Double-click the report; the RB designer opens
    -Drop a TppLabel on the report
    -Press F1 for help; nothing at all happens
    -Click Help/Help Topics; nothing at all happens
    -Close the designer
    -Select the report object
    -Press F1; Delphi help opens with TppReport help displayed
    -Repeat steps in the designer; nothing at all happens

    As I mentioned in a previous message, this has been RB's behavior for me
    throughout the last several updates of RB, starting around v12.x Pro, I
    believe. I thought for sure that a brand new computer with fresh
    installations of Delphi and other components, would get things
    straightened out. It remains a mystery, though.

    I'll be more than anxious to try any other suggestions. Thanks!

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