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TppWWRichEdit question

edited September 2014 in General

D7 + RB11.07

I'm trying to use the InfoPower RichEdit control, and after I followed the
instructions in your readme file to install the new component, I still do
not have access to it.
Is it supposed to be simply available in the component palette in the RB
report designer, along with all the default components like TppRichText and


  • edited September 2014
    Hi Jarek,

    ReportBuilder InfoPower RichEdit support enables the existing RichText
    and DBRichText components in ReportBuilder to use the formatting
    capabilities of the InfoPower TwwRichEdit control. There are no new
    components added.

    For more information, please see the documentation included in the
    \RBuilder\InfoPower\... directory.

    Moving forward, we hope you will consider upgrading to the latest
    version of ReportBuilder. We have made hundreds of updates,
    enhancements and fixes since RB 11.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2014

    Does that mean I still use the same class (TppRichText) as before? No
    changes needed on the report whatsoever?
    Is that true that the InfoPower control does not rely on Windows RichEdit

    The reason why I'm trying that is missing strike-thru formatting on print
    preview - I reported it on this newsgroup some time ago in:
    Message-ID: <1aqq4w06et2pq.1ugjcrjmnkw15$.dlg@40tude.net>
    Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 13:50:51 +0200
    but it seems to be unresolved.

    Any advice will be greatly appraciated.

    Regarding upgrade - it's not that simple, it does not depend on me.

  • edited September 2014
    [This followup was posted to digital-
    metaphors.public.reportbuilder.general and a copy was sent to the cited

    In article <7ou5nbjll4lf.vk3yj4xbp0wk.dlg@40tude.net>, jd_999@gazeta.pl

    Hi Jarek, it is essential to include ppWWRichEd unit into the project's
    uses (wherever you like).
    Otherwise the compiler won't compile the necessary code allowing to use
    the extended functionalities of the InfoPower rich text implementation.

    I use this combination quite often and it works well.

    Best Regards, Igor Gottwald
  • edited September 2014
    Hi Jarek,

    Yes, and as Igor mentioned, you need to be sure to add ppWWRichEd to
    your uses clause to register the new editor.

    Yes, the InfoPower library uses its own internal RTF processing.

    As a side note, we recently updated the RichText .dll used with
    ReportBuilder RichTexts so the problem is likely resolved for the latest
    version of ReportBuilder. In my testing with strikeout text inside a
    Richtext using ReportBuilder 15.05 and Delphi XE6, the output is correct.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2014
    On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 09:41:06 -0600, Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Thanks, Nico.
    Can you confirm for 100% that you can see the problem with strikeout with
    older RB versions, and it's resolved with 15.05?

    Do you want my simple, sample application that demonstrates the issue?
  • edited September 2014
    Igor, thank you.

    What would be the "proof" for me, that what I see on the report in run-time
    is rendered by Infopower engine? What do I need to try?

  • edited September 2014
    I have not tested this with RB 11. I can however confirm that if I
    create a new report in RB 15, add a TppRichText with some strikeout
    text, it displays correctly in the designer, previewer, and printer.

    If you would like, you can send me an example that I can test here.
    Send the example in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2014
    I sent now the same example example as in 2013 to given email address.

    It contains exe, screenshot and a source code.


  • edited September 2014
    On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:57:25 +0200, Igor Gottwald wrote:

    Igor, I included ppWWRichEd into my unit's (not project) uses clause and I
    can't see any difference. I.e., in the design-time, the list of available
    methods/properties/events is the same.

    How would I know that the component was succesfully "replaced"?
  • edited September 2014
    One easy way to tell is to copy an image into the RTF editor and see if
    it displays in the report. This is not supported for the standard
    TppRichText component but is for InfoPower.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2014
    [This followup was posted to digital-
    metaphors.public.reportbuilder.general and a copy was sent to the cited

    In article <542aa8bc$1@mail.>, support@digital-metaphors.com says...

    Exactly as Nico wrote, the easiest way is to test a picture. I wrote
    about this few days ago, but can't see my post anymore. I have attached
    some some PDF to my post and it was probably a mistake :-) My previous
    post was:
    "Hi Jarek,

    I tried a very easy test. I had created a simple document in Word from
    some template containing table, picture and some formated text. Then I
    created a very simple application with a TppReport and TButton on a
    form. The report contains a rich text field only and I copied the text
    from Word to that field (using clipboard, together with the table and
    the picture). The button runs the report's Print method only.

    Then I run the application. The preview nor printed output didn't
    contain any picture and some text was "in the table" (I have used
    CutePDF to produce PDF).
    I returned to the application and included ppWWRichEd unit to my
    project. Then I repeated all actions. Both the preview and output
    contained much more information including the picture.
    However the output was not perfect, but looked exactly like the content
    in the InfoPower editor."

    At the design time you can edit rich text fields using the Info Power
    editor, but to be sure everything works well you have to test the

    Regards, Igor Gottwald
This discussion has been closed.