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Calculating Variables from different sub report

edited March 2015 in General

I have a report as follows:

- Main Report
- Detail Band
- Sub Report 1
- Sub Report 2
- ppRegion.

In both of the SubReports I have TppDBCalc components in the Summary
band that calculate the sum of a certain field.

In the ppRegion section I have a number of tppVariable components, where
on their onCalc event I want them to obtain the sum from the tppDBCalc
components off the Sub Report bands.

It seems as though the components in the ppRegion are executing their
oncalc event before the SubReports are firing.

The code I'm using on the onCalc event is:

value := SubReport1ppTotal1.value;

value := SubReport2ppTotal1.value;

value := SubReport1ppTotal1.value - SubReport1ppTotal1.value;

I have set the CalcComponent on the ppRegion.tppVariable components to
the ppRegion component.

The ppRegion component is set to "shiftRelativeTo" the subreport above
it, and likewise the subreport above that.

I have set the datatype of the tPPVariable components to dtCurrency, but
still can't get this to work.

Can someone please help / advise?

Thanks & Regards



  • edited March 2015
    Hi Adam,

    Instead of using DBCalc components in your subreport, try using
    TppVariables to calculate the sum(s) manually in the OnCalc event. Then
    while updating the sum calculation for the subreport, update the main
    report variable's value as well.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2015
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for that. I was just wondering if there's an alternative solution
    as things are going to get quite messy behind the scenes.

    In my original post you can see that there is a third variable on the
    main page, that calculates off the first two variables values. (My
    report has more than this going on, but this would be at it's most basic

    From your suggestion, to calculate the 3rd variable, I'm guessing I
    would need different TppVariable.OnCalc events fired to add, subtract,
    multiply, etc the values - but I won't know what those total values are
    until they are all calculated to work with - making the calculations
    much more complicated.

    I did get the individual tppVariables to 'copy' the values from the
    subreports by using the tppDBCalc.onPrint event to set the main
    ppVariarables values, but I still couldn't calculate off those
    tpPVariables for others.


    procedure TMyReport.ppVariable3Calc(Sender: TObject; var Value: Variant);
    value := ppVariable1.value - ppVariable2.value;

    As you can see, this is a simple subtraction, but as things get more
    complicated on the main form with calculations (multiplications,
    divisions, with additions and subtractions), I'm going to need to access
    the values of those ppVariables directly to calculate others.

    Thanks & regards

  • edited March 2015
    Hi Nico,

    Sorry - I realised that my last post might be more confusing than
    anything else, so I'll try to re-explain.

    On my main report, I have numerous tppVariable components. I'm at a
    stage where I can populate these components from values within the
    SubReport bands. :-)

    However, I have other tppVariable components I wish to calculate using
    values from previous tppVariable components (on the same data band).

    To keep it basic and example of this is:

    ppVariable1 - Calculates from subreport 1. (Working OK)
    ppVariable2 - Calculates from subreport 2. (Working OK)
    ppVariable3 - Calculates from ppVariable1 and ppVariable2 values.

    it's ppVariable3 that I'm having much difficulty with at the moment.

    When I try to use ppVariable3's oncalc event to grab values from
    ppVariable 1 and 2, it grabs the values from the previous record - not
    from the current one. (It lags behind by one record each time).

    I've tried changing ppVariable3's CalcComponent to teh detail band, to a
    group footer, even to ppVariable2 - but it doesn't seem to make a

    Thanks & Regards

  • edited March 2015
    Doing lots of playing with the CalcComponent and CalcType events, the
    only way I've been able to get this to behave is by setting the
    CalcComponent to SubReport2, and the CalcEvent to veDataPipelineTraversal.

    However if the 2nd Subreport doesn't print at all (there's only data in
    the first Subreport, and none in the 2nd), it doesn't behave correctly -
    most likely because it's not triggered in that instance.

    There's got to be a magic combination that will get the tppVariable
    component to calculate after the other information has been populated,
    but I can't seem to find it.
  • edited March 2015
    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for the further explanation. This is a classic timing issue of
    variable calculations and traversal.

    I recommend using a two pass report with look-ahead values to get the
    correct values for your final calculations. Similar to the
    example/article below.


    I performed a quick test with a report similar to yours (2 subreports
    with DBCalcs in the summary band and 3 variables in the main report's
    summary band) and it functioned correctly. Below is a snip of my code...

    function TForm1.GetLookAheadTotal(aCalc: TppDBCalc): Variant;
    lsTotal: String;

    {retrieve the look ahead total and convert from Text to Float value.
    note: the lookahead values are cached as Strings. The content of
    the string
    is exactly what is rendered to the page. Therefore it is a
    formatted value }
    lsTotal := aCalc.GetLookAheadValue(ppDBCalc1.GetLookAheadKey);

    lsTotal := StringReplace(lsTotal, FormatSettings.CurrencyString, '',
    lsTotal := StringReplace(lsTotal, FormatSettings.ThousandSeparator,
    '', [rfReplaceAll]);

    Result := StrToFloat(lsTotal);


    procedure TForm1.ppVariable1Calc(Sender: TObject; var Value: Variant);
    //Retrive sum from subreport 1
    if ppReport1.SecondPass then
    Value := GetLookAheadTotal(ppDBCalc1);

    procedure TForm1.ppVariable2Calc(Sender: TObject; var Value: Variant);
    //Retrieve sum from subreport 2
    if ppReport1.SecondPass then
    Value := GetLookAheadTotal(ppDBCalc2);

    procedure TForm1.ppVariable3Calc(Sender: TObject; var Value: Variant);
    //Add subreport 1 and subreport2 totals
    if ppReport1.SecondPass then
    Value := GetLookAheadTotal(ppDBCalc1) + GetLookAheadTotal(ppDBCalc2);

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2015
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for that. Unfortunately I'm getting an Access Violation in
    ppctrls.pas on line 4031:

    while (liIndex < Count) and (Result = nil) do

    Count appears to be undefined.

    The report is set to twopass, and I have the if statement to only
    execute this if ppReport1.SecondPass is true.

    Thanks & regards

  • edited March 2015
    Sorry - I should probably add that this is with version 15.01 in Delphi

    I've put a try / except around the call but nothing seems to get
    populated. It seems the error is raised each time.

    Best Regards

  • edited March 2015
    Hi Adam,

    Are you able to run the example in the article I referenced without an

    Please upgrade to RB 15.05 and retest. I am not getting any errors with
    RB 16.01.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2015
    Good Morning Nico,

    I'm able to successfully run the example in your article on both 15.01
    and 15.05.

    I notice that your demo does not contain any subreports, or any
    master/detail link - which is where I need to grab the values from in my
    example, so I'm wondering if that's where the difference lies?

    Just to clarify, my report is as follows:

    - Main Report

    - Detail Band - ppDBPipeLineMaster

    - Sub Report 1 - ppDBPipeLineSub1 - (Contains ppDBTotal1)

    - Sub Report 2 - ppDBPipeLineSub2 - (Contains ppDBTotal2)

    - ppRegion. (Contains ppVarTotal1, ppVarTotal2, and ppVarTotal3).

    (ppRegion is located in the Main Reports Detail Band)

    the DBPipeline for Subreport1 and 2 are linked to the Detail Band's
    datasource as a master/detail relationship.

    I need:

    ppRegion.ppVarTotal1 := ppDBTotal1 (OK)
    ppRegion.ppVarTotal2 := ppDBTotal2 (OK)

    ppRegion.ppVarTotal3 := ppDBTotal1 / ppDBTotal2


    ppRegion.ppVarTotal3 := ppVarTotal1 / ppVarTotal2

    I can get ppVarTotal1 and ppVarTotal2 to display the correct values
    using numerous methods, but I can not get ppVarTotal3 to calculate
    correctly - whether I attempt to calculate from ppVarTotal1 & 2's Value,
    or otherwise.

    In either instance, ppVarTotal3 refers to the prior Detailband's record

    In some cases, either SubReport1 or SubReport2 may not contain any
    records at all depending on the Main Reports current record.

    Thanks & Regards

  • edited March 2015
    Hi Adam,

    Please create a simple example that demonstrates this behavior (possibly
    using the DBDEMOS database) and send it to support@digital-metaphors.com
    in .zip format.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2015
    Hi Niko,

    Thanks. the DBDemos database doesn't contain the same relationship as my
    database, so I've used a query to try and simulate a similar situation
    to what I have.

    I've emailed this through to support. Hopefully it's not too difficult
    for you to find a solution. :-)

    Thanks & Regards

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