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No value given for one or more required parameters

edited June 2015 in General

When using parameterised SQL we get the message "No value given for one or more required parameters" when we try to preview the report (or the data). We've made some custom changes to report builder and I wonder if these are interfering with the way the master datapipeline field value is being used to set the detail pipeline's parameter (the SQL itself looks OK).

Could you point me to the part of the code that actually retrieves the master pipeline value and sets the detail pipeline's parameter? I've trawled through the code for daSQL and daCriteria (among others) and I can see exactly how the SQL is being built, but not how the parameter name gets replaced with the value.


Steve Branley

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  • edited June 2015
    Hi Steve,

    When using Parameterized Linking, ReportBuilder does not retrieve any
    values or replace the parameter name with a value. This is done by the
    built-in Delphi TDataSet logic.

    ReportBuilder simply creates a Parameterized Linking SQL statement that
    the Delphi TDataSet can process. See the daMagicParamSQL.pas file for
    where this is done.

    Using Parameterized Linking in DADE is exactly the same as placing two
    TDataSet descendents on a form and linking them via parameters.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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