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Duplicate report rows

edited October 2015 in General
using RB 16.0 with Delphi XE7

We are having problems with duplicated rows in a report that uses a
JITPipeline. The problem occurs when dynamically removing headers &
footers. The duplicate rows occur around the page breaks.

We use Gnostice to export reports to different formats. When we export
to Excel, we dynamically make a couple of changes to the report - any
header is only printed on the first page, and footers are removed
entirely (this is done so the data is uninterrupted). It's done
something like this:

if Assigned(TppReport(ppViewer.Report).FooterBand) then
TppReport(ppViewer.Report).FooterBand.Visible := False;
TppReport(ppViewer.Report).OnStartPage := OnStartPageEvent;

// Do export

procedure TAgRBPreviewForm.OnStartPageEvent(Sender: TObject);
{ Only show the header band on the first page when exporting to xls }
if Assigned(TppReport(ppViewer.Report).HeaderBand) then
TppReport(ppViewer.Report).HeaderBand.Visible :=
TppReport(ppViewer.Report).PageNo = 1;

// When finished, the footer is made visible again & the temporary
OnStartPage event disconnected

It turns out that if we apply this code to the report when printing (IE
no exporting), the same problem occurs.

When the report is printed without modifying headers/footers, everything
works normally (no duplicates) and the JITPipeline.RecordIndex behaves
like this:
29 <-- RecordIndex set back 1 here, but this appears normal - no
duplicate rows appear.

When the report has the header/footer removal code is applied,
JITPipeline.RecordIndex behaves like this:
29 <-- Normal "1 step back" here
25 <-- Bigger jump here, then increments sequentially again until near
the following page break. Duplicate rows result.

Are we do things incorrectly, or is this an RB issue? Your help in this
is greatly appreciated.

Steve Spralja


  • edited October 2015
    Hi Steve,

    One option is to use the Title band instead of trying to hide the header
    as it only displays on the first page by definition.

    In my testing with a very simple JIT Pipeline app and your code, I was
    not able to recreate this behavior.

    If possible, please create a minimal example I can run here that
    demonstrates this issue and send it to support@digital-metaphors.com in
    .zip format so we can track down the problem.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2015
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for your response, and apologies for my late reply - I've been
    away until today.

    I was able to fix the problem by putting this code:


    in our custom preview form, just before the export to Excel.

    While I was stepping through the RB source when I knew duplicate rows
    would occur, I noticed that TppEngine.RestoreFromCache was being called,
    but I couldn't see the actual saving-to-cache happen.
    I then noticed that the actual record numbers being restored from the
    cache corresponded with the records where the "1 step back" of the
    record index (see previous post) occurred in the previous generation of
    the report. The engine.Reset was a result of trying to clear the cache.

    So, are we doing something wrong here such that we need this call? It
    seems like it should not be required.

    Unfortunately I've so far been unable to produce a minimal example of
    this, without using Gnostice. I suspect I could use PrintToDevices, as
    it seems that's what Gnostice are doing...

  • edited October 2015
    Hi Steve,

    The issue is caused by dynamically removing the header/footer. That affects
    pagination. You would need to that prior to previewing the report (i.e.
    calling Report.Print).

    The RB native export devices: XlsReport, XlsxReport, XlsData, XlsxData can
    be configured via the Report.XlsSettings. The properties
    XlsSettings.SingleHeaderOnly and SingleFooterOnly can be set to true, to
    specify they appear only a single time. For details on these devices see
    the RB Help topics for TppXlsSettings, TppXlsxDataDevice,
    TppXlsxReporDevice, etc

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2015
    Hi Nard,

    thanks for your reply.

    For most of our reports, when the user clicks the Print button, our
    custom preview form is presented. It is from this preview form that a
    user can export the report to another format. Changing how this works
    would be painful - the export really needs to happen from the preview
    form. Is there anything wrong with calling TppEngine.Reset in this
    manner? The report appears to be correct when this is done.

    Unfortunately using the native RB export devices is not an option for us
    at this time.

    Steve Spralja
  • edited October 2015

    I'm really hoping someone can answer this question:

    Is there anything wrong with previewing a report, then changing the
    header/footer visibility, then calling TppEngine.Reset, and then
    printing/exporting the report? This appears to work, but are there any
    gotcha's etc?

    We are getting close to our next major release, so this issue is
    becoming more urgent for us.

    Steve Spralja

  • edited October 2015
    Hi Steve,

    ReportBuilder is not designed to have a single TppReport instance that is
    producing two different sets of Page objects, one to Preview and one to
    export. The Preview is live and interactive - the user can scroll to first
    page, last page, etc. With the scrollable page Preview it is able to cache
    pages, so it may work for simple cases or it may appear to work, but I would
    expect issues.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2015
    Hi Nard,

    thanks for your response.

    I assume the same holds true for the native RB export settings you
    mentioned (XlsSettings.SingleHeaderOnly / SingleFooterOnly) - one would
    first have to set these settings, then preview the report, and then
    export it?

    Steve Spralja

  • edited October 2015

    Report.XlsSettings should be set prior to calling Report.Print, but they
    have no affect on Page generation, preview, etc.

    The report layout (Report.Bands[ ].Objects[ ]) represents a model used to
    generate report Pages. Pages are sent to Devices. Devices translate Page
    objects to output formats.

    Report ---> Pages ---> Devices ---> native output (screen preview, printer,

    The XlsSettings properties are applied to the Xls/Xlsx export devices. The
    export devices use these property values to determine the export behavior.
    This has no affect on the report model, the preview, etc.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.