Sql Server 2000
I have Sql Server 2000, and the demo is for Sql Server 7, and it doesn't run
on 2000. Is there a newer version of the demo I can download? I just
downloaded the demo version of report builder to try it out, and I would
like to see it accessing our real data before I decide on whether to buy it
or not.
-- Larry Maturo
on 2000. Is there a newer version of the demo I can download? I just
downloaded the demo version of report builder to try it out, and I would
like to see it accessing our real data before I decide on whether to buy it
or not.
-- Larry Maturo
This discussion has been closed.
This is just the name of the directory that the demo is located in. You're
right though... we should change that
In my testing with the ADO demo, connecting to SQL Server 2000 was not an
issue. ReportBuilder does not differentiate between which database you are
connecting to, it simply needs data to display on a report. If you are able
to create the proper tables in your SQL Server 2000 database and set up the
TADOConnection object to connect to it, the demo will run correctly. Be
sure to read over the Readme.doc file inside the ADO example folder.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thank you. I actually browsed to the directory in Delphi, and ran it,
missing the ReadMe.doc file. I'm confused though. It talks about creating
in Northwind. Since Northwind already has 12 or 13 of tables, why do
you need to create more? Is this a required step in using ReportBuilder,
or an extraneous part of this particular demo? Also, since you don't put
any data in the tables when you create them, where does the data come
from? Also, I ran other demos, and they did not require me to create
new tables in a database, so I'm confused why this one did.
-- Larry
The table are required to successfully run the Report Explorer. This gives
your end users a "Windows Explorer" like interface to navigate, edit, and
create reports stored on your database. Once you add these tables (using
the provided script) and connect the ADOConnection object to the Northwind
DB, the demo should run correctly.
Try running the Report Explorer demo located in the \RBuilder\Demos\3.
EndUser\1. Report Explorer\... directory to get an idea how each table
works. This demo uses the DBDEMOS database in Paradox but is visually the
same as the ADO example when it is executed.
This is a fairly advanced feature of ReportBuilder and can be confusing at
first. Before continuing with ReportBuilder, I would highly recommend
taking a look at the ReportBuilder Developer's Guide located in PDF format
inside the \RBuilder\Developer's Guide\... directory. Reading the and then
working through the tutorials in the back will give you a much better
understanding of how ReportBuilder works and what it is capable of .
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thank you. I think I've got it; the tables are part of the Report Explorer.
I actually have read the pdf, and I've been running some of the demos, but
this one took me by surprise since it required me to create tables.
-- Larry
Okay, I created the tables, and checked in Enterprise Manager that they
actually existed.
I built and ran the demo. When I pressed the Launch button I got the
following error:
Error: FolderPipeline: 'pFolder' count not be opened.
-- Larry Maturo
Is the folder pipeline "plfolder" present on your demo form? If you click
on the ReportExplorer component you will see entries to define the
FolderPipeline and ItemPipeline in the Delphi Object Inspector. Be sure
these match up with the folder and item pipelines already on the demo form.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors