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Datafield visible if i have just one position in my detail band

edited April 2007 in Datapipelines
Hello everybody

i have the problem that i would like to make a datafield visible only if

in the detail.report are more then one position.

With my normal syntax like. dbtext2.visible:=datafield >1 i cant a solution.

Thanks in advance



  • edited April 2007
    Hi Thomas,

    Please use your full name when posting to these newsgroups.

    I'm a bit unclear about the condition you would like to check. If you just
    need to check the value of the data field, you can access it through the
    datapipeline of the report. Something like the following...

    DBText2.Visible := ppReport.DataPipeline['DataField'] > 1;

    If you want to set the DBText component invisible when there are 1 or less
    records available, you will need to traverse your dataset manually before
    the report is generated to find this number.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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