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edited July 2007 in Datapipelines
I'm not certain that I'm in the correct topic on this newsgroup but I'll
post my question anyway. I installed version 4.25 of DBISAM this week
and am currently using RB version 9.02 of the professional edition and
Delphi 7. I am now getting a message that "component
TdaDBISAMQueryDataView" is not found when I try to recompile some
existing applications using DBISAM and RBuilder. I recall having to
install a component from
Demos|EndUserDatabase|DBISAM|Native|daDBISAM.pas which I tried to do. I
commented out required component db326d7r because that was the old
version of DBISAM I was using and was no longer on my machine. The
build then said that dbisam4257r.dcp was required and to select OK to
add it. The compile and install seemed to go OK but I am still getting
the original message "component TdaDBISAMQueryDataView not found".
Please help!


  • edited July 2007
    Hi Lon,

    The TdaDBISAMQueryDataView class is locataed in the daDBISAM.pas file. Be
    sure you have this file added to the uses clause of you application and that
    your library path gives proper access to the file.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2007
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:
    Hi Nico ... daDBISAM is in the uses clause of the program and the path
    to both daDBISAM.pas and daDBISAM.dcu is in the library search path ...
    when I open the program prior to compiling it I get the message
    "component TdaDBISAMQueryDataView" is not found. thanks, LL
  • edited July 2007
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:
    Hi Nico ... I figured it out ... thanks, LL
  • edited October 2007
    Lon Layton wrote in news:46925c25@mail.:

    I am having this same issue. I've even gone to the extreme of adding
    daDBISAM.pas directly to the project but no dice. I can temporarily fix
    the problem by recompiling rbISAM1010 but that's not a viable solution.
    Lon, could you share what was happening and how you fixed this?
  • edited October 2007

    An example for RB and DBISAM is installed to RBuilder\EndUser
    Database\DBISAM. Please see the example and ReadMe.doc installed to that

    - if you update to a newer version of RB or update to a new version of
    DBISAM, then then the rbISAMxx packages will need to be recompled and
    re-installed. Always check the 'Requires' clause of the packages and update
    it to reference the appropriate DBISAM package for the version you are

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2007
    "Nard Moseley \(Digital Metaphors\)"
  • edited October 2007

    I think I found the problem. The DADE plug-in packages for DBISAM needed to
    be updated.

    Starting with D2005, the new BDS IDE implemeted 'demand package loading' -
    it tries to delay loading any packages that it thinks are not essential.

    For the DADE plug-ins to work properly requires a bit of redesign. Try
    downloading and building these packages. See the included ReadMe.doc, there
    are now two packages that you need to compile - a tuntime only packaga and a
    design-time only package.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.