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Using Expression As Autosearch Criteria

edited July 2007 in Datapipelines

I am using RB 10.06 Enterprise Edition and I want to present the user with a
search dialogue with a single entry field for customer name in the format
"Lastname, FirstName". I also want the name of the field on the search
dialogue to be "Customer".

My approach is to use the Calc tab of the dataview to create the SQL
expression, on the Search tab, add this expression as an autosearch, and
rename the expression to "Customer". The problem I experience using this
approach is an SQL parsing error stating that a column name is expected but
found Customer instead. If I do not rename the expression on the Search
tab, the SQL works, but the search dialogue is not user friendly.

What is the correct approach to achieve the desired result?




  • edited July 2007
    Hi Bob,

    You can alter the Field Alias's of each field to give the users a more
    friendly message in the AutoSearch dialog. In the fields tab of the query
    designer, click a field alias, wait a second, then click it again to edit


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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