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field from text file wraps in report

edited July 2007 in Datapipelines
Report Builder: 10.06
Windows: Vista

I using a text pipeline to read values from a comma delimited text file. The
text file looks like this:

Visual Inspection,TDB,2007-07-25 11:34:53.037993-07:00
Chassis Assembly,TDB,2007-07-30 09:16:16.282396-07:00

The report preview looks like this:

Process Initials Timestamp
Visual Inspection TDB 2007-07-25 11
Chassis Assembly TDB 2007-07-30 09

The timestamp should not be wrapped. They are data labels and they do not
have wrap turned on. Any ideas on what I did wrong?



  • edited July 2007
    I figured out the problem. The field length was set to 10. When I changed it
    to 50, it worked fine.

    Why didn't it work when FieldLength was 10? It was printing 12 characters
    before it wrapped. The other fields have FieldLengths of 10. The first
    field does not wrap even though there are over 10 characters in each line.

  • edited July 2007
    Hi Tom,

    My first guess is that the TextPipeline is ignoring the hyphen and space
    characters when determining the field length. I will take a look at this.
    As a rule of thumb, it is best to keep the field size well beyond the actual
    field size limit.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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