how to picture size + some other Q
1. problem: end-user places dbImage on the report with any size.
OnGetFieldAsPicture i pass TPicture. if picture size and dbImage sizes are
different, then it is displayed not correctly, not nice.
Q: how to get info what size end-user has placed dbImage? In that case i can
draw this TPicture in original dbImage size so that it would display perfect
2. TppReport component
Q: OutlineSettings-> CreatePageNodes when it is set to true it creates
group nodes. can i somehow set to create page nodes, not groups?
3. Report Explorer
Q: As shown in example reports are saved in database and executed from
Report Explorer. How to get information what report is going to be executed?
I need to know what data to pass.
4. Q: is there any zoom tool in report preview tab or i need to make it
myself as a component ot how?
1. problem: end-user places dbImage on the report with any size.
OnGetFieldAsPicture i pass TPicture. if picture size and dbImage sizes are
different, then it is displayed not correctly, not nice.
Q: how to get info what size end-user has placed dbImage? In that case i can
draw this TPicture in original dbImage size so that it would display perfect
2. TppReport component
Q: OutlineSettings-> CreatePageNodes when it is set to true it creates
group nodes. can i somehow set to create page nodes, not groups?
3. Report Explorer
Q: As shown in example reports are saved in database and executed from
Report Explorer. How to get information what report is going to be executed?
I need to know what data to pass.
4. Q: is there any zoom tool in report preview tab or i need to make it
myself as a component ot how?
This discussion has been closed.
1. The TPicture Width and Height properties indicate the size of the graphic
in screen pixels.
To modify the size of the TppDBImage control to be the same size as the
picture, do the following:
if (Picture.Width > 0) and (Picture.Height > 0) then
myDBImage.spSetBounds(myDBImage.spLeft, myDBImage.spTop, Picture.Width,
2. The creation of page nodes and group nodes are totally independent. From
the Report Designer, select the Report | OutlineSettings menu option to
display the OutlineSettings Dialog. From this dialog you can control which
nodes get created and you can preview the effect of the modifications.
3. Use the Report.Template events. (See tech tip below).
4. The preview has zoom buttons and zoom edit box. If you want to further
customize, you can create a descendant of TppPreview. See
RBuilder\Source\ppPreview.pas. Here is an example that adds a button to the
Tech Tip: Using Template Events
The Report.Template object has several events that can be used for
customizing what happens when a report is loaded or saved:
- OnLoadStart
- OnLoadEnd
- OnNew
- OnSaveStart
- OnSaveEnd
The OnLoadEnd and OnNew events are often used to perform actions related to
report and data initialization.
The OnSaveEnd event is often used to save additional descriptive ("meta")
data to the database each time the report is saved.
The Report.Template events are public and therefore must be assigned at
1. In the private section of your form declaration you can declare an
event-handler method:
TForm = class(TForm)
procedure myTemplateOnLoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject);
2. In the Form.OnCreate event, you can assign the event-handler to the
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ppReport1.Template.OnLoadEnd := myTemplateOnLoadEndEvent;
3. Implement the event-handler method:
procedure TForm1.myTemplateOnLoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject);
{add code here to initialize the report or data, etc. }
ppReport1.PrinterSetup.MarginTop := 0.5;
Tech Support
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
"Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors)" wrote :
but if end-user has placed some TPicture, i do not have right to resize it
can i do that from my program ? i mean that only pages (last child nodes)
get created?
1. Sorry, I misunderstood the question about the image.
a. The Sender parameter to the OnGetPicture event contains the DBImage
object reference.
lDBImage: TppDBImage;
if not Sender is TppDBImage then
raise Exception.Create('Error in OnGetPictureEvent, Sender is not
lDBImage := TppDBImage(Sender);
2. Yes, anything that can be done from the report designer can also be done
via code. To control whether a group creates outline nodes, set
Group.OutlineSettings.CreateNode to True or False.
for liIndex := 0 to myReport.GroupCount-1 do
myReport.Groups[0].OutlineSettings.CreateNode := False;
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors Corporation
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
I was referring to the DBImage.OnGetPicture event.
DataPipelines simply respond to requests to traverse data and retrieve data
field values. DataPipelines do not know about the data-aware controls.
(Data-aware controls know about datapipelines - the relationship is one
See ppCtrls.pas, the method TppDBImage.LoadPicture is where the OnGetPicture
event is fired if it exists. Otherwise the image is retrieved directly from
the datapipeline by calling GetFieldAsPicture.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors Corporation
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors