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order by total in a group report

edited January 2006 in End User

I've done a report group by supplier and then by product, to show the total
quantity and the total price sold for each product of that supplier. Now I
want to order by total quantity (or by total price) to know what were the
most selling products. I can I do that. The report is ordered by supplier
and by product, so the groups can work. How can I do that?

Thank you



  • edited January 2006
    Hi Imendes,

    I'm a bit unclear what you are trying to do. Would you like to order each
    individual group by total quantity or total price? If so, you can simply
    add these fields to the ORDER BY clause after the other two. If you would
    like to order the entire dataset by total quantity or total price, you will
    loose your grouping fields and your groups will no longer work correctly.
    Perhaps a little more information on what you would like your report to look
    like will help me understand what you need.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2006
    This is how my report looks like:

    Product Total Qty Total Price
    Supplier: 1-Supplier xxx

    xpto - product xpto 58 985,00
    ptox - product ptox 152 625,00
    Totals 210

    Supplier: 2-Supplier 2

    blabla - product bla bla 89 859,00
    xxxxx - product xxxxx 158 829,00
    Totals 247

    Total Qty is a DBCalc - sum(qty) and this is the field which I want to order
    by (descending), so I can see
    at first glance which were the best selling products.

    Thank you.


    (Sorry for my english)

  • edited January 2006
    Hi Isildo,

    ReportBuilder simply traverses the data that you give it top to bottom, it
    does not have any way of internally sorting your data. In order to
    accomplish this you will need to calculate the total quantity inside your
    dataset and sort each supplier group based on that value.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2006
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    As far as I can understand, Isildo don't want any RB internal sorting
    but visual ways, by using RAP, which translates into SQL order by, and
    you are saying that he can not order by a calculated field, when using
    grouping, and he must use pre-defined VIEWS or other SQL solutions
    because RAP is limited on that field, is that correct?

    Marcelo Bar
  • edited January 2006

    1. Any sorting must be done by the dataset. The standard way to do this is
    via SQL.

    2. You can use the Query Designer available from the Data workspace to
    define a calculated field. You can sort on the calculated field. This is
    supported by standard SQL. (RB generates the SQL string and assigns it to
    the query dataset (for example TADOQuery if you are using ADO). The sql is
    executed by the database engine.

    3. RB 9 adds a new TdaSQLBuilder class that can be used from the
    Report.BeforeOpenDataPipeline event. TdaSQLBuilder enables SQL to be defined
    programmatically. It essentiall provides a run-time interface that is
    organized like the query designer. (SelectFields[], CalcField[], etc). See
    the RBuilder.hlp for TdaSQLBuilder. There is sample code in the subtopics.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2006
    Well, of course I can do that in SQL (grouping, etc.), but the problem is to
    put that in a good visual approach for the user. I can do
    a SQL to show what I want, but it will repeat de supplier each line, and
    other fields. Is there a way in report builder to
    'emulate' the visual groups? I just want to show the supplier once, and then
    all the products of that supplier and the total quantity.
    Is there any way to do this in RAP ?

    Thanks again.


  • edited January 2006
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Of course.

    But the problem seems to be that if we have a Master-Detail relation,
    where the Master are the suppliers and the Detail are articles and
    associated total selling values, we can not order by this calculated
    field, only by article code. At least by using RAP and the grouping
    feature. Is this possible by using only RAP?

    Marcelo Bar
  • edited January 2006

    I believe that Nard is trying to tell you that RB does not, unlike other
    reporting products, do any sorting. The SQL Select statement is all you
    have available. If you can live with a design time sort order, use DADE and
    if you need your sort to be run-time based, use TdaSQLBuilder from RAP.

    As far as designing the report, from what you have told us it seems fairly
    straight forward.

    Assuming that an item only has one vendor, use a single dataview sorted
    first by vendor and then by the sum of the value. In the design tab, add a
    group for the vendor with the vendor name in the header and DBCalc objects
    for the quantity and dollar value in the footer. Populate he detail bands
    with the item code, quantity, and dollar value.

    If the item is purchased from multiple vendors (i.e., it will be printed
    more than once), the process is more complex so if you need this solution,
    please post back.



  • edited January 2006
    The problem is that I have two tables to build the report. The first one is
    the vendor's references, which have the
    vendor code and the product code, this table stores the items that each
    vendor supplies. One vendor can supply more than
    one item (and yes, the item could have several vendors). Then, I have
    another table that stores the invoices. In this one I want to show the
    quantity and the price. This table is linked with the other one by Item
    code. The report must group for vendor, and then in the detail, must group
    by item. In Bob's approach, with this set of tables, the item repeats
    several times for each vendor. If I have 1000 records for the same product
    for that vendor in the invoices table, it will show 1000 times the same
    product for that vendor. I want to group for item too, so the product just
    appears once for each vendor, with the totals (quantity and price).



  • edited January 2006

    This is an SQL and not an RB issue. The following is a possible solution
    based on what you have told us:

    SELECT invoice.StockCode, vendor.Code,
    FROM invoice invoice
    INNER JOIN vendor vendor ON
    (vendor.StockCode = invoice.StockCode)
    GROUP BY vendor.Code, invoice.StockCode
    ORDER BY vendor.Code, SUM(invoice.Quantity) DESC

    Change the table/field names and add any additional fields and you should be



  • edited January 2006
    Well, thank you Bob. With that solution it works (some part). I added the
    the total price (sum(invoice.Total)) and one variable to make some
    calculations, and everything works fine. Now, the problem is that I want to
    add two more fields. That fields will not appear in the report, but I need
    them to show in the form where the user filters the fields. That form will
    show all the fields (except the calculated) in the dataview. The fields are
    the date and customer type (another table), so the user can filter the
    report between dates, and by customer type. The date and customer code are
    fields in the invoice's table, and the customer type is another table linked
    by customer code. If I add this two fields in the data view, the reports
    doesn't work anymore, because it tries to group by date and by customer
    type, and then the data goes all wrong.
    Is it possible to add these two fields in this report?

    Thanks again for your support.


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