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Dynamic Subreport Problems

edited September 2006 in End User

 i've report layout on my end user report sollution like below here,

Subreport Dynamic Subreport ...Max 4 Month/Page
| |

| January |...
Item Group |--------------------------------|...
| Qty | % Qty | Amount | % Amt |
01 FRESH JUICE | 10 | 5 % | 70,000 | 3 % |
... ... ... ... ...

rules :

- Maximum 4 Month/Page.
- if the month range count choosed by user is more then 4 then it will be
printed on next page.
- All report components are in Header Band.

i've defined 2 queries : one for Item Group Subreport, and other for
month subreport.
there are parameters on each query: StoreID and Month Range

my questions :

1. can i use 1 query for dynamic subreport (Month Range)? i thinks there'
s very difficult.
2. if not, should i generate multiple queries and multiple month
subreport depending on month range?.
3. or i must create 4 queries(because max 4 months in one page), and set
parameter for next page after current page printed?.
4. how to duplicate sub report via rap code?
5. ????



D5 Ent
RB 7.04

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  • edited September 2006
    Hi Fathur,

    A good rule of thumb to use when designing report is to do as much data
    processing you can before the report generates as possible. From looking at
    your requirements below, I would create a two query report with a master
    detail relationship on the month, then have a single subreport inside your
    report that shows the data for each month.

    Why is this necessary?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2006
    Thanks For Support,

    this sollution (master detail relationship) was in my mind, but the report
    layout that i want is from left to right (horizontal) not from top to down
    like master-detail act.

    so the report layout that i want it like this :

    Item Department | Month1 | Month2 | Month 3 |... and so on.

    cause when i place the components like subreport on detail band, it not

    i'm still on trying to solve this problem.



    Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
  • edited September 2006
    It is possible to traverse data horizontally using columns and setting the
    detail band to LeftToRight traversal.

    This should not be the case. Which version of ReportBuilder are you using?
    Items placed in the detail band should print the same as items placed in any
    other band.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2006
    i was changed the report layout based on master detail concept, the layout
    became like this

    ----Detail Band Of Main Report----------------------
    < Item Department > < MasterPeriod >
    ----Detail Band Of MasterPeriod-----
    < DetailPeriod >

    - i wrote "Report.DetailBand.ColumnTraversal:=ctLeftToRight;" routine, and
    place it on
    OnPrint event of MasterPeriod SubReport, but the DetailPeriod SubReport
    not printed.
    - where is i must place thats routine on?
    - Can you give me sample code to do this via RAP?

    - sorry this is my mistake, i set childtype of subreport to Fixed, but how
    could this happened?

    - i thinks if there is Object Inspector exist in report designer
    environtment on runtime,
    thats great.

    Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
  • edited September 2006
    Hi Fathur,

    You can set the DetailBand.ColumnTraversal property at design time from the
    Delphi Object inspector. There is no need to set this in code unless you
    are switching between traversal types.

    We added an object inspector to the ReportBuilder designer for ReportBuilder
    9. This can be activated by selecting the Report Tree option from the View
    | Toolbars main menu in the designer.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2006
    Thanks Nico,

    I want to apply this setting to this report only in my end user report
    i dont want to apply this setting to other reports already works.

    i'm using Delphi 5 Ent, RB 7.04.

    i create other project to test this case with 2 query linked by master
    detail relations.
    the layout is like this :

    - Query1 MasterProductItem(ItmCode, ItmDesc)
    - Query2 DetailSoldProduct(StoreID, Date, ItmCode, Qty, Price)
    - Query1 and Query2 Linked By ItmCode Field.
    - Set Main Report DataPipeline to MasterProductItem
    - Main Report Group By ItmCode
    - Put DetailSoldProduct subreport in the detail band of MainReport.
    - Set DetailBand.ColumnTraversal property of MainReport DetailBand to
    - By Default, DetailSoldProduct Subreport type to Child

    My Questions :
    1. When i preview report DetailSoldProduct Subreport not printed, so i
    changed SubReport type to Section, it works, why?.
    2. Why Tips page of DM Web Site not Browsable?
    3. if there is Code Completion and many features on RAP Code Editor like
    on Delphi Editor, thats will be very nice.How do you think about this?


  • edited September 2006
    1. Be sure the detail dataset is sorted on the linking field. Also, be
    sure the detail dataset is returning data for each master. If for instance
    there is no data for a master record, you will need to adjust the
    NoDataBehaviors property of the subreport to see anything. Also, note that
    you will need to create a number of columns in order to traverse left to
    right properly. This can be done with the Report.Columns property.

    2. This is something we are working to provide in the future.

    3. Thanks for the suggestion. You can use the code toolbox in the lower
    right corner to drag items to the code editor to make coding in RAP easier
    and quicker.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2006
    Hai Nico,

    Sorry the internet connection on my work place has broken for a few days.

    how to sets NoDataBehaviors property of subreport at runtime?because i've
    got an error messages.
    when i look into properties toolbox of subreport, i found no existing
    NoDataBehaviors properties.

    i work on my other project, sets Report.columns property of
    subreport to 4.
    Firstly it not works, after stretching Detail Band of , its
    printed, but summary band of not printed.

    the query relations layout is -> ->
    the illustration of report like below here,
    ---DetailBand of -----
    SubReport Of
    ----------DetailBand of ------------
    SubReport of

    My questions :
    - after set Columns property value to 4 on Detail Band of Subreport
    , property PrintHeight changed to phStatic. what if amount of data
    is greater than Detail Band can display?



    Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
  • edited October 2006
    What errors are you receiving when trying to set the NoDataBehaviors? Be
    sure to add ppTypes to your uses clause.

    A dynamic detail band is not supported for left to right columns in


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.