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Examples for the individual anchor settings

edited December 2011 in End User
(Excuse the repost, I had forgotten to set name and return address prior
to sending my previous message).


I'm having trouble understanding the behavior of the anchor component. I
can get an effect from certain settings and combinations (lower middle,
upper middle+lower middle, left+right), while others (up, corners) don't
seem to do much at all. Could you provide me with visual examples how
the individual settings are pratically used?




  • edited December 2011
    Hi Adrian,

    Report component anchors are documented in the RBuilder help
    (TppComponent.Anchors). They also behave the same as anchors do in
    Delphi (TControl.Anchors). See these two topics for more help on how
    they interact with components on a report.

    Note that generally the Top and Left of a band does not change so the
    anchor will essentially have no effect. If however you use a TppRegion
    as the parent and adjust the top and left, you will see that the anchor
    will also adjust any child components.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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