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End user crash - windows xp (non admin user)

edited May 2015 in End User

we have a problem with a end user soloution application using Reportbuilder
15.05 and hoped you can help

On a Windows XP SP 3 PC we are experiencing an application error e.g.
"Reportbrowser.exe" has encountered a problem and needs to close"

We have done some investigation and so far we have found.

It only crashes where the logged in user is not a local admin (at our
clients site the users are not local admin). so if the user is a group of
the local administrators it works.

The older version of the application that we have updated from used
Reportbuilder 9.03 still works as both admin and non admin user so it seems
to be introduced at the point we upgraded to RB 15

The error occurs on the call to


initially we suspected it was failing when trying to access
($WINSYS)\RBuilder.ini but we have tried it with the IniStorageType set to
'Registry' and still errors.




  • edited May 2015
    Hi Steve,

    As a test, try removing the RBuilder.ini file from your WINSYS directory
    and re-running your application as the administrator. Then check the
    WINSYS directory to be sure the file is actually not being written to.

    Are you able to recreate this issue from within the Delphi IDE? If so,
    try tracing into the ReportBuilder source to see where the problem is
    occurring. This may give some clues as to what is going on.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2015
    Hi Steve,

    When creating new projects the default location for RBuidler.ini is


    which resolves to the user's local app data folder. This adheres to the
    latest Windows security and application standards.

    When migrating an old project, you need to find all occurrences of
    TppDesigner and update the IniStorageName property to


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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