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Multiple Reports Preview, Please Help ...

edited August 2003 in Devices
I need to show two reports at the same time on the
screen I know how to do that when printing, but
the method I'm using seems not to work when device is
SCREEN, can somebody help me???

In Quick Report it is very easy by using Composite Reports ...

Best Reegards,



  • edited August 2003
    You can use subreports which have their PrintBehavior property set to
    pbSection in order to create a composite report. There is an example of this
    in the main report demos project for reports #51 and 52. To do this most
    easily, save each report to a template file and then load the template into
    each of the two subreports. Then you can reconnect the event handlers and
    both reports should work.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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