Negatives Become Positives
Hello. I've got an issue I'm hoping someone else has had and fixed. 
Running Delphi 6 with RB and TExtraDevices. I don't know what version of
TExtraDevices I have, but I think I have RB 6.03. In my report, I format
negative amounts like (123.45). The report preview is fine. So is the
report to the printer. But when I choose the "print to file" option in the
printer dialog, and then choose the Excel format, something a bit strange is
happening. All amounts appear as postivies. Even the lines that were
(123.45) on the report are now 123.45 in the new spreadsheet. Anyone know
how to fix this? The accountants are not very happy here! LOL!

Running Delphi 6 with RB and TExtraDevices. I don't know what version of
TExtraDevices I have, but I think I have RB 6.03. In my report, I format
negative amounts like (123.45). The report preview is fine. So is the
report to the printer. But when I choose the "print to file" option in the
printer dialog, and then choose the Excel format, something a bit strange is
happening. All amounts appear as postivies. Even the lines that were
(123.45) on the report are now 123.45 in the new spreadsheet. Anyone know
how to fix this? The accountants are not very happy here! LOL!
This discussion has been closed.
Although they frequently monitor this newsgroup, you might try contacting
Waler directly about this issue for a quicker response.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors