New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

ASTA3 Dade

edited October 2002 in DADE
Good morning!
I would like to know where I can donwload the latest ASTA3 Dade
I'm using Delphi 6, ReportBuilder Entreprise Version

Charles Urbina


  • edited October 2002
    What version of RB do you have? Here is the latest DADE plugin for ASTA.
    It has been tested with ASTA 3 and RB 7.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    The 6.03 plugin should still be available from the ASTA website:


    There are a couple of fixes that you should check for in daASTA.pas

    1. In daASTA.pas, procedure TdaAstaQueryDataView.SQLChanged should get the
    SQL for the query from SQL.MagicSQLText and not SQL.SQLText. This has been
    tested to work for master detail linked reports in RB 6.03 and ASTA 2.6.

    2. The TdaAstaQueryDataView.Loaded procedure should not call SQLChanged.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

    I using Rb ver 6.03

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    I was able to compile and install the AstaDade.
    How do I use it?
    I had placed on my form a AstaClientSocket ( I set the ip to my server), a
    I open the report designer go to data, Database setting.
    Session Type = AstaSession
    Databse name = AstaCleintSocket1
    Then I go to file = New Items I double clik on the Query Designer but I
    don't see my tables.

    I ran the AstaReportBuilder demo that came with the dade I'm able to see the
    tables only when I run the exe. But on the delphi Idle I can't do nothing.
    I checked on my component installed I can see a component installed name:
    Report Builder Asta is a non-visual component.

    What I'm missing here.?

    Charles Urbina

  • edited October 2002
    The ASTA DADE plugin is built into a Delphi design time package that brings
    in the classes for DADE which are specific to create ASTA query dataviews at
    Dephi design time. Adding daASTA to your project's uses clause brings in
    the same classes for use at runtime.

    Can you display the data to a DBGrid connected to the ASTA client dataset on
    your form?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    Thanks I'll try that

  • edited October 2002
    I did what you said but I still can't see the tables from my server.
    Can you do me a big favor. Please send me a simple application demo with a
    report and the necesary components needed to create a report with ASTA3,
    AstaDade, and report Builder 6.03
    Or direct me where I could download one.
    I will apreciate that.

    Charles urbina

  • edited October 2002
    The download link I pointed you towards was tested to work in ASTA 2.6 and
    RB 6.03. You should be able to use one of the ASTA 3 demos for your
    specific database to connect the RB end user solution to as a client.

    In ASTA 3, I have a DBISAM server that works with the full ReportBuilder 7
    end user solution. I haven't got the BDE/Paradox ASTA 3 server working to
    return any auto incremented fields. The auto increment fields are necessary
    for the ReportExplorer to work correctly. They aren't coming back after a
    post with the BDE server, but the same client works when I point to my
    DBISAM server. I can send you an ASTA 3 + RB 7 + DBISAM 3 example if you
    have DBISAM installed or want to see a demo. What database are you using?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

    When I create a report with RB 6.03 and Asta 3 version 3.02 which of the
    datapipe do I use TppDBPipeline.? and a regular datasource and a


    I'm using the ASTA IBO server. with Interbase ver 6.5

  • edited October 2002
    Yes, you should be able to use an ASTA CDS -> TDatasource ->
    TppDBPipeline -> Report. You should also try testing your connection with a
    TDBGrid to the TDatasource. Once you get data, then you can try using DADE
    to connect from the report.

    I'll test the ASTA IBObjects server example with Interbase 6.5 and RB 7.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2003
    I'm able to connect to the database using ASTA CDS -> TDatasource ->
    TppDBPipeline -> Report.

    But when I go to the Data tab in the Report component. I'm not able to
    connect using the dade to my database. I only able if I connect using the

    I need help here please.


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