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Autosearch and RAP using pipelines

edited February 2004 in RAP

I seem to have found a problem!
If I create a report, use the DADE to create a "pipeline"/dataset, then
using RAP create a autosearchcriteria, everything works well.

If I create a report, using a BDE pipeline, connected to a dataset,table
etc., then using RAP create a autosearchcriteria, it doesn't work ! it just
gives me all the records instead of the filtered ones.

Any idea's/suggestions ?

I'm using Delphi 4, with RB 6.01



  • edited March 2004

    1. A good place to start is RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch.

    2. Report.AutoSearch parameters are simple parameters that do not really do
    anything other than collect information.

    3. The Query tools in DADE enable you to define search criteria for a SQL
    query that can result in Report.Autosearch parameters being created. The
    QueryDataView object manages this. The QueryDataView creates the
    Report.AutoSearchParameters and when the values are specified the
    QueryDataView updates the TdaSQLObject with the new parameters so that the
    proper SQL can be dynamically generated.

    4. When not using DADE you need to write the logic to modify the dataset.
    See the demos mentioned in 1 above.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004

    Ok, thanks, If I understand you correctly, you are saying you can't use
    RAP (in the report template) to modify an autosearch on data provided
    to the report by a pipeline ?
    but you can do it if you create the query/pipeline within the DADE ?
    also you can if you modify the autosearch within the app's code ?



  • edited March 2004

    No I did not say that you cannot use RAP code.

    My question to you is how would implement what you need using Delphi code?
    That is the first step. Before you implement anything in RAP code, try
    implementing it in Delphi code first. Once you get that working, then
    implement it in RAP code.

    If you spend some time with the RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch I think you will
    understand what AutoSearch paramters are and how they are used. When not
    used with DADE you have to write the code

    I may be misunderstanding, but in my opinion your question is not a RAP
    question, but a question of how to use AutoSearch parameters.

    Play with the RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch and then post more questions here
    and I can help you work thru it....

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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