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AutoSearch on calc field

edited March 2004 in RAP

Does AutoSearch support a calculated field. For example I have the

thisFld := ppReport1.CreateAutoSearchCriteria(reportName, if
(((InvoiceRecon.Code = 0) or (InvoiceRecon.Code IS NULL)) then False else
True),'==', 'True', False);

but all records shwo regardless.





  • edited March 2002
    Hi Nard,

    I'm not sure, at runtime I simply load a pre-defined report (stord in
    rbItems), and pass what I need to it, and then execute ie the end-user


  • edited March 2004

    No, that syntax is not supported. for the CreateAutoSearchCriteria call. As
    described in the online help the first parameters is the datapipeline name
    and the second is the field name.

    Try using the Query Designer to create calculated fields for the select
    clause of the SQL query. Check your database documentation for what types of
    expressions are supported.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004
    Hi Nard,

    I can't use the query designer, as I have a UI that raps around and it is
    from here where the user chooses whether to view items that are True or
    False. So I need to somehow pass the value over to the pre-defined report.
    How is this possible?



  • edited March 2004

    Are you using TdaSQL and the TdaQueryDataView???

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004

    To be more clear I should have asked whether the Data workspace of the
    Report Designer was used to create the query(s) for the report. If you are
    loading the report from the rbItems table, then I will assume that this is
    the case.

    For background information on the ReportBuidler SQL DataView architecture,
    please see the articles in the DADE thread of the tech tips newsgroup.

    The following example shows how to extract the TdaSQL object from the
    DataView and modify it>


    You could use the Report.Template.OnLoadEnd to modify the SQL for the

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    Hi Nard,

    I have modified the example to do the following (in the LoadEndEvent area):

    for i := 1 to selcount do begin
    liIndex := lFields.IndexOf(selfield[i]);
    if (liIndex <> -1) then begin
    lCriteria := aSQL.SelectCriteria(liIndex);
    lCriteria.Operator := OpCalc(selOp[i]);
    lCriteria.Value := selValue[i];

    I still can't see how I can set criteria on a calculated field. In the
    above example (basically taken from your example), the liIndex will be -1
    for a calculated field, so the criteria will never be created. How can I go
    about setting criteria on a calculated field?



  • edited April 2004

    Try using the TdaSQL.AvailableCriteria[] field list which contains the
    available fields from the selected tables plus the calc fields. (The TdaSQL
    object has separate arrays for SelectFields and CalcFields that represent
    the selected fields and the calculated fields. Do no use these).

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.