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ECodeError cannot compile program

edited April 2004 in RAP

Been trying to implement my own pass-though function in my project. I've
defined everything as I should in my code as via the tutorial. I have then
used RAP to implement this function at designtime. As expected - at this
point my RAP code fails to compile as the function is only registered when i
run my application. So I've ignored the error. However when I come to run my
application - and although the line -

raRegisterFunction('IsDateTime', TraMyFuncFunction);

- is executed in my initialisation apparently successfully I get an
ECodeError - "Could not complie program: IsDateTime". Am I able to do this
at design time and compile and call the function at runtime or can I only
every enter the function into RAP at runtime?



  • edited April 2004

    Be sure that all the RAP passthru methods are implemented correctly. Be
    sure to double check that the Signiture is correct with a semicolon at the
    end. Then be sure to check that the function call in RAP matches this
    signiture exactly.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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