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daSQL problem

edited April 2004 in RAP
Hi guys,

I've managed to create autosearch fields and then modified
daSQL.MagicSQL.Text on the fly on ReportOnGetAutoSearchValues event in RAP
code. I just created some pass-trough function which does that. Despite of
new daSQL.MagicSQL.Text RB generates Report using "old" daSQL.MagicSQL.Text.
What should I do to make RAP see "new"daSQL.MagicSQL.Text ?



  • edited April 2004
    Just wanted to add, this is for manually edited SQL.


  • edited April 2004
    Some new info. It doesn't work if I click on search button while in Report
    Designer. If I save report and go back to Report Explorer and then View
    report from Report Explorer it works fine.

  • edited April 2004

    Try setting TdaSQL.SQLText rather than the MagicSQLText.

    Setting SQLText should automatically set TdaSQL.EditSQLAsText to True. And
    if EditSQLAsText is true, the MagicSQLText property will return the SQLText
    that you assigned.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004

    Thanks for your reply. I found quite interesting thing.
    Say, I have manually edited SQL like:

    Select * from MyTable
    Where InvoiceDate between :SDate and :EDate

    When I load MagicSQL text for the first time it is exactly as above.
    Then on ReportOnGetAutoSearchValues event I replace :SDate and :EDate with
    my parameters, get Report displayed in Preview.
    Then, without leaving Preview form, I click on "Magnifying glass icon" to
    bring up my custom autosearch dialog again and then I need to do same
    thing(replace "parameters" with actual values).
    Obviously, ":SDate" and ":EDate" gone - they were replaced before with
    actual values and
    MagicSQL text now is

    Select * from MyTable
    Where InvoiceDate between '01/01/2000' and '01/01/2004'

    So, I can not substitute parameters now. Therefore, if I open Data
    Workspace(without closing report designer first !) and check SQL it still
    has :SDate and :EDate ! That's exactly what I want ! How can I
    programmatically get this ? TdaSQL.SQLText and MagicSQLText seem to return
    modified SQL with parameters replaced.


  • edited April 2004

    When the ReportDesigner's Preview tab is selected and the report contains
    RAP code, ReportBuilder internally saves the report definition to a temp
    stream. When you leave Preview, ReportBuilder internally restores the report
    definition from the temp stream. This is necessary because your RAP code can
    change the report - just as you are doing.

    I think you perhaps need a global RAP variable to save the initial SQL

    if gSQLString = '' then
    gSQLString := mySQL.SQLText;

    {use gSQLString to replace parameters]

    {use gSQLString to set new SQLText]

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    For some reason it doesn't work this way.

    I always have empty gSQLString ...
    Try to simple test:
    1.Create Global variable gSQLString
    2. onReportBeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate(or on ReportOnGetAutoSearchValues)
    put code like:
    ShowMessage('My Global variable:'+gSQLString );
    if gSQLString = '' then gSQLString := 'Whatever';

    It happens because Report object got destroyed(Report onDestroy event fired)
    even if I stay in report preview form.
    Well, I need to work out some other way to keep original SQL now.


    And it's always empty string. So global variable got emptied somewhere.

  • edited April 2004

    Okay, looks like when the new AutoSearch value is entered from the preview
    panel, then the GlobalDestroy is called followed by the GlobalCreate.

    You could perhaps use the Report.Parameters[] to define the string. Not sure
    if that would work any better. You would probably have to add the parameter
    at Delphi design-time or in the Delphi Report.Template.OnLoadEnd event. Then
    in RAP code use it to save the SQL string.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.