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how to TppReport from TraSystemFunction.ExecuteFunction

edited June 2004 in RAP
i want to have access to TppReport object without passing as parameter
the report in a Pass-Through function ?

how can i detect inside ExecuteFunction if code runs on designer
( to display other messages ) ?


  • edited June 2004

    1. There is no way to do this unless in your Delphi code you somehow have
    setup a global object reference to the TppReport object. Only thing I can
    think of is that in the app start up code, prior to showing the report
    explorer, you initialize a global Delphi variable that can be accessed from
    your pass thru functions.

    2. Can you explain this second question further. The ExecuteFunction will be
    called by your evnent-handler code when the report is generating.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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