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Problems with Largeint

edited July 2004 in RAP
The new Version 7.04 now allows Linking together Dataviews with
Largeint-field. Very good.....

But there are still problems with Largeint.

Try to get an Autosearchcriteria from a Largeint and convert it to a
string -> No error while compiling but at runtime.

Is there anyone to see a solution????

By the way : has someone tried to compile the Build_ent.dpr coming with
Reportbuilder with Delphi 7. There seemed to the a lot of problems...




  • edited July 2004

    Can you provide a simple example project that we can run here in the
    debugger. Use standard Delphi components, send in zip format to

    To compile BuildEnt.dpr you need to use the 'Build with runtime packages'
    option. Specify the following package list:



    Thanks for supporting ReportBuilder! Please vote for ReportBuilder in the
    Delphi Informant Readers Choice awards!


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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