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Missing Detail Record Prevents group header from printing

edited July 2004 in RAP

I am having a problem with group header information not being printed if
there is no data in the detail band corresponding to the record that should
print on the group header.

I have two files, one has work order information and the other is a
materials file for the work orders.

The report is grouped on 3 fields from the work order file as follows:

GRP0 = Project#

GRP1 = Unit#

GRP2 = Work Order#

DETAIL = item# and item description

The work order file is sorted on project# + unit# + work order# and the
material file is sorted on work order# and the link seems to be setup OK
because the records that print are correct.

Some work orders do not have corresponding records in the material file, but
I still need to print the work order number and other information in the
group 2 header.

What is happening is that the records that have corresponding records in the
material file print OK, but the records that do not have corresponding
records in the material file do not print at all.

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.



  • edited July 2004

    For future reference, I think you posted to the wrong newsgroup. This
    newsgroup is focused on questions about RAP, the run-time Pascal environment
    available from the Report Designer's Calc workspace.

    You need to set the DataPipeilne SkipWhenNoRecords property to False for the
    detail datapipeline (check the online help for more info on this property).
    If you are using the Data workspace to create SQL DataViews and link them,
    you can double-click on the Link to access the Link Dialog and configure the
    setting from there. (Or you can press the right mouse button while
    positioned over the detail DataView window and select Link from the context


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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