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edited July 2004 in RAP
Hi Folks,

A couple of question about OnDrawCommandClick:

#1: I've seen the RB example of the OnDrawCommandClick using Delphi --
causing the background colour of a shape to change when clicked on. I tried
the same code in RAP, and while it executes, the colour of the shape doesn't

#2: I can't seem to get RAP to understand what record it is on during the
click? I.e. tried ShowMessage( ReportDataSource['FIELDNAME'] ),
ShowMessage( Variable.Value ), ShowMessage( Label1.Caption ), etc. However,
it always displays the value of the first record.




  • edited July 2004

    1. I researched this. The event is firing correctly. However there is
    problem with setting the DrawCommand.RedrawPage property - it compiles but
    does not execute correctly. The RAP RTTI DrawCommand class is descending
    from an incorrect RTTI ancestor class. Here is a unit that you can download.
    It contains a replacement class. You will need to add this unit to the
    'uses' clause of your report form. This unit will unregister the existing
    TraDrawCommandRTTI class and register a new one called TmyDrawCommandRTTI.


    For ReportBuilder 7, the TppDrawCommand class was modified to descend from
    TppRelative. The DrawCommandRTTI class needs to be modified to descend from
    the RelativeRTTI class. We cannot make patch the current release because it
    would require modifying the interface section of a unit.

    2. The architecture for TppPage.DrawCommands[] is decoupled from the data
    traversal. The TppPage objects are stand alone entities that in fact can
    exist in a report cache (i.e. if you set Report.CachePages to true) or can
    be streamed to an archive file (.raf) and then later read and displayed by
    the ArchiveReader component.

    It is possible to use the OnDrawCommandCreate event to attach information to
    the DrawCommand.Tag property. The timing of OnDrawCommandCreate is in sync
    with the data traversal. Here is an example that uses RAP and



    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004

    This link does not seem valid. Can you please verify the link?


  • edited July 2004
    Hi Brett,

    Sorry about that, the link should work correctly now.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2004

    Ugh! I've been struggling with this all day. An old co-worker had it
    functioning in a few reports, but it won't work for me, even after editing
    his old reports. Seems you finally identified the problem, so maybe we'll
    see a fix for it in RB8. Until then, I guess I can't use on-screen

    -Nathan Seeley

  • edited October 2004

    The download file that we provided fixes this issue completely.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005

This discussion has been closed.