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Does using RAP restrict us from RB Source modifications?

edited July 2004 in RAP

Please correct me on this, but it seems that when we include
RAIDE to have RAP capability we suddenly pay the piper for
the modifications to the base RB code - we get the
"xxxx was compiled with a different version error."

Since we only have the DCU for RAIDE any changes made to
RB source that RAIDE itself uses causes problems right?

For example, we added a couple of new output formats by extending
the enumeration tppfiletype. But since the RAIDE.DCU uses
ppdsgner which uses pptypes - bam, version errors.

Am I missing something or do we simply have to choose between
having our code modifications OR RAP?


tony Meadors


  • edited July 2004

    You can modify the implementation section of the source units, but not the
    interface section.

    To add additional output formats, create a descendant of TppFileDevice and
    register it with ReportBuilder. For the source code to TppFileDevice and its
    descandants see ppFilDev.pas.

    You may also find the following helpful, if you are looking for additional
    output formats. These companies have leveraged the open architecture of
    ReportBuilder to offer the products that add sets of output formats.

    Article: Can ReportBuilder output reports in
    HTMl, XLS, RTF, PDF etc.

    There are three ReportBuilder add-on products which support additional
    output formats. For more information surf:





    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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