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RAP behaving differently

edited July 2004 in RAP
In a report I have several RAP functions/procedures where one is calling
another. When I save the report everything is compiled ok and the report
runs fine. However when I open the report some RAP functions/event handlers
are "red", an indication that there is something wrong with them. The
problem seems to be that a procedure that is called from another procedure
is considered undeclared. Making a "dummy" change and saving all goes to
Any ideas?


  • edited July 2004

    1. If you are not using the latest release, RB 7.04, then try downloading a
    trial version and perform the same test.

    2. If you still have an issue with the latest release, please create a
    simple, minimal example that we can run here in the Delphi debugger. Email
    in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can check it out.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    I am using RB 7.03. I have downloaded 7.04 but not installed yet because I
    am in the process of a major release and I do not want to "upset" anything.
    Also I did not see any relevant fix in 7.04's list.
    Finally it is difficult to recreate the problem in a minimal example. I have
    developed lots of reports but only in a specific one , admitedly quite big,
    I get this problem.

  • edited July 2004

    I do not think there are any fixes for anything like that in RB 7.04, I
    thought perhaps you were using an older version like RB 6.x

    We have not had other reports of this issue, so it may be that you have a
    very complex case that exposes something new. If you can isolate the issue
    that would be helpful. If you are using global functions, one work around
    would be to convert them to pass-thru functions.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    One final point is that sometimes when I change the way I call certain
    procedures the problem goes away, but still it's more like playing around
    than a definite process that I can reproduce.
    Yes it is a vary complex report.
    I'll send directly to you any more observations.

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