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RAP problem in a specific machine

edited July 2004 in RAP
I run into a RAP problem which occurs in a SPECIFIC machine only. It does
not depend on Delphi/RB versions because I tried two different applications
that have been developed with Delphi5 and Delphi6. The problem has something
to do with the global variables. In some cases the reports run and when I
open them for editing and go to calc page I see the event handler in red
with the message "Variables cannot be compiled". If the report is
complicated it may not be able to run.
I do not have the RAP code to put any diagnostic messages and run it in that
specific machine so I am just asking for any possible explanation. Maybe RAP
uses something that is not correctly installed?
This problematic machine runs on Win2000.


  • edited July 2004

    Have not heard of this before. There is nothing in RAP that requires any
    special version or capabilities of Windows. I use Windows 2000 on my Tech
    Support machine and Windows XP on my R&D machine but never encountered any
    differences. (However, I know you described in a prior thread that you have
    some very complex RAP reports).

    Does the problematic machine have a different language setting? I am just
    trying to guess why it might behave differently.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    We run several Win2000 and XP machines so there is no problem with that. I
    use RB the last 5 years and never had a similar problem. As you mention I
    recently encountered a problem (see
    thread 21/07/04) but it happened in all machines. It is a complex report and
    the problem went away when I reduced the depth of nesting of procedures. I
    have no explanation. However the present situation is different - seems to
    be that it has something to do with the specifc machine.
    Language settings are the same with other machines that work fine.
    Anyway if I had the RAP source then I would be able to do some debugging.
    Any chance that digital-metaphors will make RAP source available in the

  • edited July 2004

    Unfortunately we cannot make the source code to RAP available. The
    competition blatantly copies our trade secrets when this occurs. To date no
    competitors have anything close to RAP or RB Server. The reason for this is
    that they do not have the source code. I'm not being paranoid, this has
    historically proved itself out. Borland does not release the source to the
    Delphi compiler or the Delphi IDE. Though I wish that they did. I know
    exactly how you feel. ReportBuilder has to integrate into Delphi and we
    encounter many AV's and weird behaviors that we have to work around to get
    things to work.

    The difference between us and Borland is that if you send us an example of
    something that causes an issue, we will research it and try to fix it. :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.