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How to find the last record

edited August 2004 in RAP

In RAP how can I find out when I am printing the last record from a table?
The reason is that I want to print a different footer on the final page off
the report to all the previous pages.

Thanks In Advance


  • edited August 2004

    1. I researched this and was able to detect it in the FooterBand.BeforePrint
    event. (The DetailBand.AfterPrint is too early).

    if myPipeline.EOF then
    {last footer band is going to print}

    2. Another option is to set FooterBand.PrintOnLastPage to False. Then use
    the SummaryBand to print a footer on the last page. You can set the
    SummarBand.PrintPosition to specify the vertical space on the page where the
    band starts to print - so that you can print the summary band at the bottom
    of the page, like a footer. (You can also do the same thing by creating a
    Group that never breaks and use the GroupFooter to print the last footer).


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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