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edited October 2004 in RAP
i want to change the order of some stretching memos and regions with RAP
depending on some conditions.
In Designtime DBMemo2 is ShiftRelative to DBMemo1.
Setting DBMemo2.ShiftRelativeTo := nil at Runtime will work but not
I can i do this?


  • edited October 2004

    Try clearing all ShiftRelative relationships first and then in a second step
    define the new relationships:

    {clear shift relative relationships}
    myDBMemo1.ShiftRelativeTo := nil;
    myDBMemo2.ShiftRelativeTo := nil;

    {define new relationship}
    myDBMemo2.ShiftRelativeTo := myDBMemo1;

    When the Stretchable.ShiftRelativeTo property is set, the object will check
    to make sure that a cyclical relationship chain is not formed. See
    TppStretchable.SetShiftRelativeTo in ppStrch.pas.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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