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Using Crosstab

edited November 2004 in RAP
Hi, i'm running delphi 5, ReportBuilder 6.03, windows XP HE and i found one
problem using crosstab. I put a product field on Row, month field on Column
and total sales as Value (sum), but in Grand Total i'd like to get average
value. How can i get this?


  • edited November 2004
    Hi Amauri,

    Unfortunately the cross tab component does not natively give you control
    over the Grand Total cell. You will need to take control over these cells
    manually in code. See the help of the TppElement class on how you might go
    about doing this. You will want to use the GrandTotal.CaptionDef and
    GrandTotal.TotalDef objects.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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