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Dynamic create a TppField and TppDBText but show nothing

edited February 2005 in RAP

I try to create a TppField and TppDBText in RAP and hope the result will
shown on report, but it doesn' show out:

procedure GlobalOnCreate;
var D: TppDBText;
F: TppField;
ShowMessage('Do it');
F := TppField.Create(Main);
F.FieldName := 'Company';
F.DataType := dtString;
F.FieldLength := 100;
F.DataPipeline := Main;

D := TppDBText.Create(Report);
D.DataPipeline := Main;
D.DataField := 'Company';
D.Band := Detail;
D.Left := 3.0;
D.Width := 1.5;
D.Color := clYellow;

The 'Main' is the TppDBPipeline and the AddField method was defined via

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
C. Yang


  • edited February 2005

    Try the same code from Delphi first, its easier to trace in the debugger
    that way. And as a first step, execute the code prior to calling

    1. RB 9 introduces some new events to allow preparing data from RAP. The
    Report.OnInitializeParameters and BeforeOpenDataPipelines events.

    I think the GlobalOnCreate event occurs too late.

    2. In your example is there a TDataSet field that corresponds to the
    F.FieldName? Try tracing the source code for TppDBPipeline.GetFieldValue

    3. Remove the Main.AddField() line. Setting the Field.DataPipeline is

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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