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Modifying Rich Text before printing

edited March 2005 in RAP
I am retrieving data for my report from a sql database. One of the columns
I am using is a TEXT datatype with rich text formatting. I have the rich
text linked to a DBRichText control. However, I would like to format the
output to Arial 8pt font prior to printing. Is their anyway I can do this?


  • edited March 2005
    Hi Johnny,

    You are going to need to use the SelText and SelAttributes properties of the
    TppRichText component to alter the font of the richtext code. Both of these
    properties are available in RAP and I would recommend changing the
    selattributes perhaps in the Band.BeforePrint event.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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