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Enable AllowPrintToArchive from RAP

edited April 2005 in RAP

From my enduser report solution the user can create and change reports.
Default they have the property Report.AllowPrintToArchive turned off
This way they get a simple print dialog.
For some reports I want to enable the possibility to export to achive.
I tried setting AllowPrintToArchive to true in the Global.OnCreate event and
in the Report.BeforePrint event but both do not seem to give me the wanted

Is it possible to turn AllowPrintToArchive on in RAP?

Using Delphi 7 Prof; RB 7.04

Jeroen R?ttink.


  • edited April 2005

    ReportBuilder 9 has a new Report.OnInitializeParameters event that fires
    earlier than any of the events in RB 7. There is also a new
    Report.BeforeOpenDataPipelines. These events were added to enable reports
    and data to be intialized in ways that are not possible using RAP in RB 7.

    I testing setting AllowPrintToFile and AllowPrintToArchive from the
    Report.OnInitializeParameters event and it worked.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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