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Report Sum Not calculating correctly.

edited May 2005 in RAP

I believe I have found a bug in Report Builder. I am trying to display
report totals at the end of a report. The main report is displaying the
totals but field that is being summed up is in a sub report. I am using a
set of Global TppVariable classes and setting them to the Variable objects
that will be used to display the value. This is being done in the reports
onCreate event. In Subreport2 (the one with AP_PAY_HEADER as the data pipe)
Variable4's onCalc event sets the value for the global variables.

What is happening is this. The totals come out correct except for one
thing. The check amount from the first record on the second page is not
being added to the totals. If the report does not scan multiple pages the
totals are correct. It is not restarting at the second page either it is
just not adding in the first record. The totals should be:

Total = 107914.39
Less Checks Voided = 2215.23
Net Amount = 105699.16

Instaid they are returning:

Total = 101118.39
Less Checks Voided = 2215.23
Net Amount = 98903.16

I have used this method of returning grand totals many times with out a
problem. I do not understand why it is not working in this case.

Richard Gostin


  • edited May 2005
    Hi Richard,

    For future reference, please send all attachments to

    There is a patch available that fixes this issue in ReportBuilder 9.02. If
    you have RB 9.02, please contact support@digital-metaphors.com and we'll
    send it right out to you.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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