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rounding in RAP is not correct

edited May 2005 in RAP

I've a value (100%) -> 53,18
With a calc (type double, DisplayFormat #,0.00;-#,0.00) I try to get an
other value (2% of 53,18).

The corecct value is: 53,18*0,98=52,1164. After rounding the value
should be 52,12, but the calc shows 52,11...

I think it isn't correct. Is it?
What can I do to get the value 52,12? FormatFloat return 52,11 too...

Best regards,


  • edited May 2005
    Hi Dmitri,

    Which version of ReportBuilder are you using? In our testing setting the
    value of a variable to 52.1164 with your display format below returned the
    correct value of 52.12 for a double and currency type.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2005
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) schrieb:
    Hi Nico,
    it was my mistake. The value 53.18 was a rounded value (display format).
    The exactly value was 53,17768. 2% of 53,17768 are 52.1141264, which
    results rounded 52.11.

    Sorry for the false alarm :-)
  • edited May 2005
    not 2%... 98% of 53,17768 are 52,1141264
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