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Problem with underscored fields in RAP

edited May 2005 in RAP
I have a problem with underscored fieldnames in RAP.

Last year I've written a application with Delphi 6, IBO Native
Components 4.2, IBOPipeline and RepBuilder 6.03
In this application I had a lot of Underscored fields for example

In RAP Events I wrote allways the fieldnames without the underscores
for example IBOPipelineCustomer['CUSTOMER ID']
and it works fine.

Now I want to migrate to Delphi 7 and ReportBuilder 7.03 and I've
noticed that I've problems with underscored fields in RAP.
Now I have to write the fieldmames with underscore even so in RAP

In my application are more than 400 hunderts of RAP Events with this
behaviour. Is there a way to change that automaticly?

I'm not sure which piece of software is responsible for my proplem.
IBO? ReportBuilder? Delphi7?

Perhaps anyone could help me

thanks in advance

rudi neuss


  • edited May 2005
    Hi Rudi,

    This is most likely not a RAP problem. If you would like to trace the
    ReportBuilder code, take a look at the
    TppCustomDataPipeline.GetFieldForAlias function in the ppDB.pas file. As
    you can see the actual name is just passed into this method and the
    corresponding field is then retrieved.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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